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Profile of Leo Einck

Leo Einck

Founder, Chief Scientific Officer - Sequella Inc.
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Company Name : Sequella Inc.
Company Website : www.sequella.com
Company Address : 9610 Medical Ctr. Dr.
Ste. 200, Rockville, MD,
United States,
Leo Einck Profile :
Founder, Chief Scientific Officer - Sequella Inc.
Leo Einck Biography :

Dr. Einck has worked in the pharmaceutical industry since 1985, and has started and managed several biotechnology companies since his shift to product development. He was the first employee of and later became the Chief Operating Officer of HEM, a company specializing in double-stranded RNA therapeutics for cancer. He managed all aspects of HEM's business, including manufacturing, clinical trials, regulatory affairs, and daily operations. He joined EntreMed, Inc. in 1993 as Director of Sponsored Research, became Vice-President for Extramural Programs in 1996, and then the Vice President for Research Operations. He has over 15 years of experience in start-up companies, in development of products in the biotechnology industry, and has additional education and experience in patent law. He joined Sequella as President in February 1998. Prior to his business experience, Dr. Einck was a molecular biologist at the National Cancer Institute of the NIH for several years following his Ph.D.

Leo Einck Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Carol Nacy

Founder, CEO Please login

Gary Horwith

Chief Medical Officer Please login

Alan Klein

Exec. VP, Corporate Development Please login

Marty Zug

VP, Finance Please login

Katherine Sacksteder

VP, Diagnostics Please login

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