Leonard M. Lodish is the Samuel R. Harrell Professor in the Marketing Department of the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, where he has been since 1968. He received a Ph.D. (Marketing and Operations Research) from Massachusetts Institute of Technology�s Sloan School of Management in 1968 and an A.B. (Mathematics) from Kenyon College in 1965. He has been at Wharton since 1968 where he was department chair from 1984-1988 and 1991-1992. He has also been a visiting Professor at the Harvard Business School. He is also Vice Dean for Wharton West, Wharton�s San Francisco campus since 2001.Professor Lodish has developed models and decision support systems that have been syndicated to worldwide use. They include MEDIAC� for media planning, CALLPLAN for sales force deployment, and PROMOTER� and PROMOTIONSCAN� for promotional planning and evaluation.In 1996 Len and his wife Susan pedalled their tandem bicycle across teh US and since have done long distance bicycle rides each year which have raised over $500,000 for the A.L.S. (Lou Gehrig�s Disease) Association. Len is a licensed sailplane pilot and ardent bicycle commuter. |