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Profile of Leonard Giambalvo

Leonard Giambalvo

VP, General Counsel, EMHS - Eastern Maine Healthcare Systems
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Company Name : Eastern Maine Healthcare Systems
Company Website : www.emh.org
Company Address : 43 Whiting Hill Rd.
, Brewer, ME,
United States,
Leonard Giambalvo Profile :
VP, General Counsel, EMHS - Eastern Maine Healthcare Systems
Leonard Giambalvo Biography :

Maintaining awareness and familiarity with legal and regulatory requirements binding on hospitals and healthcare personnel. Communicating those requirements to those who need to know them by drafting policy, preparing legal documents, conducting in-service education, and responding to requests for legal assistance from other EMHS community members.

The road to here

Len has had a steady progression of education and increasing professional responsibility. He graduated with a BA from Cornell University in 1967, and earned his JD from Yale Law School in 1970. Len then spent 15 years in the banking industry as a trust officer then vice president and resident counsel before arriving at Eastern Maine Medical Center in 1986 as the medical-legal counsel. In 1994, Len was named vice president and general counsel for all of EMHS.

Guiding principle

Respect for others by providing honesty and kindness in all interactions

Proudest accomplishments

Len claims no accomplishments. However, he emphasizes that his family and his work hold great personal value.

What he�s trying to do

Every day that I am at EMHS I simply try and do a good job. Every person at EMHS has a role in helping Maine people have access to high quality healthcare. I do what I do to ensure EMHS continues its mission to provide the best in healthcare.

Leonard Giambalvo Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Ken Hews

Exec. VP Please login

Jerry Whalen

VP, Business Development Please login

Michelle Hood

Pres., CEO, Eastern Maine Healthcare Systems Please login

Daniel Coffey

Exec. VP, Treasurer, CFO Please login

Michael Crowley

VP Development Please login

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