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Profile of Lincoln Kwok-Kuen

Lincoln Kwok-Kuen

Dir. - Finance, Business Development - MTR Corp. Ltd.
Lincoln Kwok-Kuen Email :
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Company Name : MTR Corp. Ltd.
Company Website : www.mtr.com.hk
Company Address : MTR Tower
Telford Plz., Hong Kong, ,
Lincoln Kwok-Kuen Profile :
Dir. - Finance, Business Development - MTR Corp. Ltd.
Lincoln Kwok-Kuen Biography :

Lincoln Leong Kwok-kuen 46, has served as the Finance Director since February 2002. He is responsible for the financial management of all of the Company�s affairs, including financial planning and control, budgeting, accounting and reporting and the treasury function. In addition, he has responsibility for the Company�s information technology function and serves as chairman of both Octopus Holdings Limited and the board of trustees of the Company�s retirement scheme. Mr. Leong graduated from Cambridge University in 1982 and later qualified as a chartered accountant in England in 1985 and Canada in 1986. Prior to joining the Company as Finance Director, he worked in both the accountancy and investment banking industries. Mr. Leong has also worked as an accountant in London and Vancouver, Canada and for a number of years as an investment banker in Hong Kong. Mr. Leong is the chairman of the executive committee of the Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children, a member of the supervisory board of the Hong Kong Housing Society and a board member of the Community Chest. He also serves on the Board of Governor of the Chinese International School and is a trustee of the Hospital Authority Pension Fund Scheme.

Mr. Leong is also a non-executive director of both Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company Limited and Tai Ping Carpets International Limited.

Lincoln Kwok-Kuen Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Cheung Yau-Kai

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Christine Meng-Sang

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Raymond Kuo-Fung

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Brian Stevenson

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Thomas Hang-Kwong

Property Dir. Please login

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