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Profile of Linda Baddour

Linda Baddour

Exec. VP, CFO - PRA International
Linda Baddour Email :
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Company Name : PRA International
Company Website : www.prainternational.com
Company Address : 12120 Sunset Hills Rd.
Ste. 600, Reston, VA,
United States,
Linda Baddour Profile :
Exec. VP, CFO - PRA International
Linda Baddour Biography :

Linda Baddour was named Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer in June 2007. Ms. Baddour has a proven track record in managing the financial activities of a fast-growing, global clinical research firm.

Before joining PRA, Ms. Baddour held several executive positions, most recently CFO, at Pharmaceutical Product Development, Inc. (PPD). During her tenure as PPD's CFO, the company posted greater than 20 percent annual revenue growth and industry-leading margins while consistently meeting revenue and earnings targets.

She earlier held the positions of vice president and chief accounting officer, as well as corporate controller for PDD. In addition to her finance duties, Ms. Baddour has managed the groups responsible for mergers and acquisitions, facilities, procurement, contracts and proposals and information technology.

Ms. Baddour earned her M.B.A. and Bachelor of Science degree in accounting from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington.

Linda Baddour Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Terrance Bieker

Board Dir., CEO Please login

Matthew Bond

Exec. VP, CFO Please login

David Dockhorn

Exec. VP, Product Registration Please login

Bruce Teplitzky

Exec. VP - Business Development Please login

William Walsh

Exec. VP - Corporate Development Please login

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