Linda is a skilled marketing and PR executive with more than 20 years experience helping technology companies develop leading market positions in established and emerging markets. Five-time client, you say with disbelief? In fact, more than 50 percent of Eastwick�s current clients were either previously clients, or were recommended by previous or current clients. In Linda's case, she so enjoyed working with Eastwick that she decided to join the agency!Prior to joining Eastwick, Linda held vice president of marketing positions at global companies such as Adobe Systems, Autodesk and BAAN, as well as at start-up companies such as ePeople, a developer of on demand, collaborative CRM solutions, and PSS Systems, a developer of legal holds and information retention solutions. As one of the original members of Adobe�s graphics applications division, Linda helped establish the company as the number one brand in the graphics market. She began her technology marketing career as a senior vice president at one of the first technology-only public relations firms, Franson & Associates. |