Linda Dean received her BSN at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan and her MSN/FNP at the University of Texas at Arlington in Texas. She also obtained various business and management certifications at SMU in Dallas as well as her CRRN certification. Ms. Dean's 20-year experience with LTACH and rehab facilities is extensive at both a clinical and corporate level. She has developed and managed over 40 LTACH�s nationally. In this arena, Ms. Dean has also developed corporate policies and procedures as well as national equipment and pre-opening budgets. Her experience also includes developing corporate rehab education programs, performing valuable research and delivering powerful presentations at national LTACH / rehab conferences. Linda has served as a corporate LTACH / rehab hospital board member and is a sought-after consultant on LTACH and rehabilitation venues. In the management aspect of LTACH�s, Linda has over 14 years in the field. She has held the positions of both CEO and Regional Vice President of Operations and Development. She developed the inaugural Hospital-within-a-Hospital concept in Texas and developed the first LTACH management company. Linda is a member of the Acute Long-Term Hospitals Association and the Dallas ARN membership and certification programs. She has served on the Board of the SCI Association and of ARN CRRN Certification Program as well as on multiple LTACH hospital governing Boards. |