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Profile of Linda Zuendel

Linda Zuendel

VP Operations - Menno Travel Service Inc.
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Company Name : Menno Travel Service Inc.
Company Website : www.mtstravel.com
Company Address : 124 E. Main St.
4th Fl., Ephrata, PA,
United States,
Linda Zuendel Profile :
VP Operations - Menno Travel Service Inc.
Linda Zuendel Biography :

Having joined MTS TRAVEL from the company's acquisition of the Colorado Springs office in 1989, Linda has held a number of key corporate-wide posts. Linda was appointed Vice President Operations in January of 2005, having recently served MTS TRAVEL in the area of Special Projects -- Operations where Linda oversaw company wide implementation of systems, their attendant training, and special projects.

Linda had previously served as Vice President, Operations from 1996 to 2000-- overseeing MTS TRAVEL offices nationwide in the areas of personnel, procedures, policies, training, the implementation of systems and the accountability of Travel Service Center managers. From 1993-96 she was Regional Vice President responsible for operations and sales in the Colorado, California, Florida and Washington service centers, following management of the Colorado and Florida offices.

Linda was Principal of the Colorado Springs firm, Vincents Travel, which was acquired by MTS TRAVEL along with their branch office in Jacksonville, FL. Among her many professional accomplishments, Linda's firm was one of the first in Colorado to convert to fully automated systems for a state-of-the-art approach to customer service. Her early career includes a partnership with the Colorado Springs College of Business, serving in student administration.

Linda received a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from California State College in San Bernardino. She enjoys the outdoors, fitness and wellness, reading, painting, and music.

Linda Zuendel Colleagues :
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James Buddendorf

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Jim Evans

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Vickie Unruh

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