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Profile of Lindsay Sparks

Lindsay Sparks

Corporate VP, Microsoft Services, Microsoft IT - Microsoft Corp.
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Company Name : Microsoft Corp.
Company Website : www.microsoft.com
Company Address : 1 Microsoft Way
, Redmond, WA,
United States,
Lindsay Sparks Profile :
Corporate VP, Microsoft Services, Microsoft IT - Microsoft Corp.
Lindsay Sparks Biography :

As corporate vice president of Microsoft Services and Microsoft IT at Microsoft Corp., Lindsay Sparks is responsible for developing and delivering new ways for customers to improve the operational efficiency of their desktop environments. He and his team are working with customers, industry partners and Microsoft product teams to improve the customer experience in areas such as desktop security, patch management and software compliance, and user support.

Sparks' roles at Microsoft include vice president of worldwide sales of products and services to small and medium-sized enterprises, and vice president of MSN e-services, in which capacity he supervised the development and deployment of services designed to provide a rich, networkwide customer experience. He also served as vice president for marketplaces and content business development.

Sparks joined Microsoft in 1992, leading the Enterprise Customer Unit in Canada. He transferred to Microsoft headquarters in Redmond, Wash., in 1994 and became director of the Microsoft Solution Provider Program, Small and Medium Business program, and the education marketplace. In 1995 he became general manager of worldwide field strategy and integration. In that role he was responsible for driving field sales as well as product introduction strategies, business planning and business reviews. In 1997 Sparks joined the Carpoint business unit as general manager, where he was responsible for development, testing, design and business management.

Lindsay Sparks Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Dina Dublon

Dir. Please login

Jon Devaan

Sr. VP - Windows Core Operating System Division Please login

Korologos McLaughlin

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William Gates

Chmn. Please login

Robert Bach

Pres. - Entertainment, Devices Division Please login

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