Lisa Aramony is a Senior Consultant at Changing Our World. Lisa leads Changing Our World�s growing Ephilanthropy practice, which focuses on helping nonprofits successfully integrate interactive technology and communications into their fundraising and marketing programs. Currently, she and her team are working with over ten organizations on their ephilanthropy efforts including First Book, Catholic Relief Services, Christian Blind Mission, The Case Foundation and Save Ellis Island. Prior to joining Changing Our World two years ago, Lisa served as Vice President of AOL Time Warner Corporate Relations and the AOL Time Warner Foundation. During her tenure there, Lisa became a leader in the field of increasing nonprofit effectiveness through the strategic use of interactive technology and communications, as well as the effective integration of philanthropy onto the Internet. Aramony led the creation and management of, the premier online philanthropy portal and now its successor, Network for Good. A primary focus for Aramony was the development of youth engagement programs. She led the creation of PowerUP Online, an online guide to the Internet for under-served youth in PowerUP centers. Her team launched revolutionary e-mentoring software designed to eliminate common barriers to creating and maintaining effective mentoring relationships. In partnership with the Community Foundation of the National Capital Region, she helped develop a youth philanthropy program designed to engage youth in problem solving in their communities. In that role, she provided strategic direction to America's Promise, the Starbright Foundation, One Economy, YouthNoise and dozens of other nonprofits. Aramony held various marketing and program positions during her eleven-year tenure with AOL, including responsibility for the company's first direct mail efforts, member communications, and the launch of AOL's e-commerce/shopping channel. She began her career in the nonprofit sector, working in the United Way system. Aramony served as Vice Chair of the Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers, as Chairperson of their New Ventures in Philanthropy Group and Chairperson of their Strategic Planning Committee. She has also served as Vice Chairman of the ePhilanthropy Foundation, as a Strategic Advisory Committee member for YouthNoise and on the Board of Directors of, the first philanthropy portal launched in the United Kingdom. |