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Profile of Lisa Scriboni

Lisa Scriboni

MD - Major, Lindsey & Africa
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Company Name : Major, Lindsey & Africa
Company Website : www.mlaglobal.com
Company Address : 938 B St.
, San Rafael, CA,
United States,
Lisa Scriboni Profile :
MD - Major, Lindsey & Africa
Lisa Scriboni Biography :

Lisa Scriboni is a managing director in the New York office of Major, Lindsey & Africa. As a member of the in-house attorney practice group, Lisa brings more than a decade of legal search experience working on behalf of Fortune 500 companies in a range of industries. Most recently, Lisa worked at a boutique search firm in New York City, co-managing the in-house recruiting practice. Prior to that, Lisa worked in-house as a legal search professional for one of the nation's largest financial services corporations.

Before launching her legal search career, Lisa was a legal administrator for seven years, responsible for strategy, policy, staffing and human resources issues at two global financial service corporations.

Lisa's understanding of the search process from both the in-house and search firm perspective makes her particularly adept at identifying and evaluating the relative successes of prospective candidate/employer matches. Lisa relies heavily on her strategic and consultative capabilities in advising her clients on operations and development, resource allocation and planning issues.

Lisa holds a B.S. in business from Purdue University, paralegal certification from New York University, and is a graduate of the Executive Management Program at The Wharton School of The University of Pennsylvania. She is a member of the Advisory Board of The Joan Karnell Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania Health System.

Lisa Scriboni Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Carter Brown

CEO San Rafael Please login

Judy Allen

Partner, Global Practice Leader, Business Development San Francisco Please login

Karen Andersen

Managing Partner Seattle Please login

Joe Beson

CFO San Rafael Please login

Brion Bickerton

Partner Boston Please login

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