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Profile of Liza Boyd

Liza Boyd

Board Dir. - Orchestria Corp.
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Company Name : Orchestria Corp.
Company Website : www.orchestria.com
Company Address : 437 Madison Ave.
, New York, NY,
United States,
Liza Boyd Profile :
Board Dir. - Orchestria Corp.
Liza Boyd Biography :

Liza Boyd is an Associate Director with Constellation Ventures, a subsidiary of Bear Stearns Asset Management, and has 9 years of venture capital and investment banking experience. At Constellation for over six years, Ms. Boyd focuses on software and services and online media technologies with a particular emphasis on web services, enterprise software and online marketing technologies.

In addition to serving on the Board of Directors at Orchestria, Ms. Boyd currently serves on the Boards of Widevine Technologies, Fathom Online, Avolent, Siperian and K12. Additionally, Ms. Boyd was formerly an observer on the board of Capital IQ and ActiveHealth Management, which the firm has successfully exited.

Prior to Constellation, Ms. Boyd was an investment banker with Patricof & Co. where she focused on private placements. Ms. Boyd received her degree in Mathematical Economics, Summa Cum Laude, from Colgate University.

Liza Boyd Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Bo Manning

Pres., CEO, Dir. Please login

Peter Malcolm

Founder, CTO Please login

David Dill

CFO Please login

Bill Butler

Sr. VP - Global Sales Please login

Steve Soechtig

Sr. VP Please login

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