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Profile of Lori Gallagher

Lori Gallagher

Assoc. Attorney - Andrews Kurth LLP
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Company Name : Andrews Kurth LLP
Company Website : www.akllp.com
Company Address : 111 Congress Ave.
Ste. 1700, Austin, TX,
United States,
Lori Gallagher Profile :
Assoc. Attorney - Andrews Kurth LLP
Lori Gallagher Biography :

Lori is the partner-in-charge of the Appellate Section, specializing in state and federal appellate law. Lori's practice includes all aspects of state and federal litigation, with an emphasis on appeals, post-verdict motions, supersedeas bonds, post-judgment procedures, summary judgments, motions for directed verdict, and jury charges.


Co-Author - "Attorney-Client Conflicts of Interest and Disqualification of Counsel in Texas Litigation" (with Andy Hanen), Texas Tech Law Review (1993)


"Libel Law - New Mexico Adopts an Ordinary Negligence Standard for Defamation of a Private Figure: Marchiondo v. Brown," New Mexico Law Review (1983)

Parties chapter in Appeals book to be published by The West Group (requested to participate by former Supreme Court of Texas Justice Eugene Cook, now a partner at Bracewell & Patterson L.L.P.)

"Discovery and Evidentiary Preservation of Error: A Panel Discussion," Fourteenth Annual Advanced Evidence and Discovery Course, State Bar of Texas (Winter 2001)

Handling the Monster Appeal," Dallas Bar Association Appellate Section (December 12, 2000)

"Do It or Lose It: What's New in Pretrial, Charge, and Postverdict Preservation of Error," Fourteenth Annual Advanced Civil Appellate Practice Course, State Bar of Texas (September 2000)

"Forms of Proof in Non-Trial Proceedings," Advanced Evidence and Discovery Course, State Bar of Texas (Spring 1999)

"Suspended Enforcement of the Trial Court's Judgment," Seminar on Trial And Appellate Procedure, Matthew Bender (November 1997) (co-author with Kendall Gray)

"Accelerated Appeals," Seminar on the 1997 Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure, State Bar of Texas (July 1997) (co-author with Mariann Sears and Elizabeth Wiley)

"Factual and Legal Sufficiency in the Texas Supreme Court: A Debate," Tenth Annual Advanced Civil Appellate Practice Course, State Bar of Texas (September 11-13, 1996) (co-author with James A. Vaught, Zelle & Larson, L.L.P.)

"Judgments and Post-Verdict Motions in State Court: Protecting the Victory and Salvaging the Loss," Appellate Practice Institute, Houston Bar Association and HBA Appellate Practice Section (January 19, 1996)

"Post-Verdict Motions in State Court: The Last Chance for Preservation of Error in the Trial Court," Ninth Annual Advanced Civil Appellate Practice Course, State Bar of Texas (September 14-15, 1995)

"Post-Trial Preservation of Error in State Court," Fourth Annual Conference on Techniques for Handling Civil Appeals in State and Federal Court (June 16 & 17, 1994) (co-author with Mariann Sears)

"Handling the Monster Appeal," Advanced Civil Trial Short Course, Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law, Dallas (April 28-29, 1994; also Houston, May 19-20, 1994)

"Preservation of Error Prior to the Charge Stage in State Court," Second Annual Conference on Techniques for Handling Civil Appeals in State and Federal Court, University of Texas School of Law (June 4 and 5, 1992) (co-author with Mike Hatchell)

"Report of the User-Friendly Courts Committee," The Appellate Advocate (August 1996) (co-author with Elizabeth Wiley)

Moderator - "Appellate Practice Tips from the Judges," Twelfth Annual Advanced Civil Appellate Practice Course, State Bar of Texas (September 1998) (moderated panel of Chief and Associate Justices of the First and Fourteenth Courts of Appeals)



"Preservation of Error: Post-Charge to Court of Appeals," Appellate Advocacy: Handling the Referred Appeal, Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law, Dallas, Texas (March 11 and 12, 1993)

"Preservation of Error: Post-Charge to Court of Appeals," Fifteenth Annual Advanced Civil Trial Course, State Bar of Texas (September 2-4 and 16-18, 1992)


"Brief Writing: Practical Approaches by the Experts or How to Handle the Monster Appeal," Appellate Advocacy: Handling the Referred Appeal, Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law, Dallas, Texas (March 11 and 12, 1993)


"Differences Between State and Federal Appeals" (with Jim Turner), Federal Bar Association (November 15, 2001)


"What You Don't Know Can Hurt You A Bakers' Dozen of Landmines in Texas Practice" (co-authored with Mike Hatchell), Seventh Annual Advanced Civil Appellate Practice Course, State Bar of Texas (September 30-October 1, 1993)

"Preservation of Error Prior to the Charge Stage" (co-authored with Mike Hatchell), Third Annual Conference on Techniques for Handling Civil Appeals in State and Federal Court, University of Texas School of Law, Austin, Texas (June 10-11, 1993)

"The Ten Worst Traps" (co-authored with Mike Hatchell), Sixth Annual Advanced Civil Appellate Practice Course, State Bar of Texas (September 10-11, 1992)

"Brief Writing: Practical Approaches by the Experts or How to Handle the Monster Appeal" (co-authored with Mike Hatchell), Fifth Annual Advanced Appellate Practice Course (September 19-20, 1991)


"Attorneys, Mediators and Support Staff: Avoiding Conflicts When Employment Relationships Change" (with Andy Hanen), Recognizing and Resolving Conflicts of Interest, State Bar of Texas (May 1997)

"Overview of an Appeal and the Appellate Process" (with Molly Anderson, Ramey & Flock, PC), Appellate Practice: For Lawyers and Legal Assistants, State Bar of Texas (February 9-10, 1995)

"TRAPS: Annotated Guide to the Appellate Rules" (with Greg Smith, Ramey & Flock, PC), Eighth Annual Advanced Appellate Practice Course, State Bar of Texas (presented September 22, 1994)



Houston Bar Association

Appellate Section

Appellate Delay Reduction Committee(2000)

Chair (1996-1997)

Chair Elect (1995-1996)

Treasurer (1994-1995)

Litigation Section, Member (1984-Present)

Member, Administration of Justice Committee (1995-1997)

Co-chair, Bench Bar Conference (1995)

Member, Planning Committee (1997, 2000-2001)

State Bar of Texas

Appellate Section

Vice Chair (2001-2002)

Secretary (2000-2001)

Treasurer (1999-2000)

Council Member (1994-1997)

Chair, Member Services Committee (1998-1999)

Chair, Bench/Bar Liaison Committee (1995-1998)

Litigation Section, Member

Award of Merit: Service as Council Member of the Appellate Section of the State Bar of Texas (1994-1997)

Member and Director, Texas Association of Civil Trial and Appellate Specialists (Houston Chapter)

Texas Supreme Court Historical Society (1998-Present)

American Bar Association


Houston Bar Foundation

Texas Bar Foundation

Certified - Texas Board of Legal Specialization, Board Certified, Civil Appellate Law (original certification 1989, recertified 1994, 1999)

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