Dr. Luc Julia, Co-Founder & Vice President of Research and Development, has about 10 years experience in design and integration of multimodal/multiuser technologies, specializing in rapid prototyping and user studies. He is the author or co-author of more than 50 scientific publications and several patents related to human computer interaction. In addition to pattern recognition and synergistic multimodal interfaces integrating speech, gestures and handwriting, his current research interests include new types of multimodal and multimedia interaction as well as augmented and virtual reality with a focus on the next generation of non intrusive, natural interfaces. Prior the foundation of BravoBrava!, he created and led CHIC! (Computer Human Interaction Center) at SRI International. CHIC! is a cross-disciplinary group of scientists specializing in the research, design, development, and evaluation of new styles of user interfaces to complex systems. During this time, he collaborated with numerous academic and commercial institutions. He holds a PhD in computer science from the Ecole Nationale Sup�rieure des T�l�communications de Paris, France, and a masters and bachelors degree in computer science and mathematics from the Universit� Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France. |