He has approximately 20 years of experience in investment banking and private equity. Before founding Nexxus Mr. Harvey held positions at Grupo Burs�til Mexicano Fonlyser Operadora de Bolsa and Servicios Industriales Pe�oles S.A. de C.V. His experience includes several private and public equity transactions and also the initial public offerings of several major Mexican corporations on the BMV and the international capital markets. Mr. Harvey is a member of the boards of directors of Nexxus Capital Industrias Innopack S.A. de C.V. (Innopack) Aerobal S.A. de C.V. (Aerobal) Sports World Genomma and Grupo Mantenimientos de Giros Comerciales International S.A. de C.V. (Grupo M�gico) and is a member of the investment committees of Nexxus I Nexxus II and Nexxus III. Mr. Harvey received a B.S. in economics from Instituto Tecnol�gico Aut�nomo de M�xico (ITAM) and an MBA with a concentration in finance from the University of Texas at Austin.