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Profile of Luis Baco

Luis Baco

Attorney - McConnell Valdes
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Company Name : McConnell Valdes
Company Website : www.mcvpr.com
Company Address : 270 Munoz Rivera Ave.
, Hato Rey, PR,
United States,
Luis Baco Profile :
Attorney - McConnell Valdes
Luis Baco Biography :

Luis E. Bac� is a Counsel in the Corporate Practice Group. He is also Co- Chairman of the Government Affairs Practice Area. Mr. Bac� is based in Washington, D.C.

Practice and Experience

Mr. Bac� focuses his practice on regulatory, legislative, international and health law, providing strategic planning and government and public affairs counseling to clients, both in Puerto Rico and in our Nation�s Capital.

Previous Experience

Prior to joining McConnell Vald�s, Mr. Bac� served as Chief of Staff and Legislative Director for Congressman Luis G. Fortu�o in the U.S. House of Representatives. During this time he was also the Staff Director of the Congressional Friends of Spain Caucus and a Board Member of the House Chief�s of Staff Association.

From 1999 to 2005 he was Counsel in the Legislative and Government Relations Practice Group of the McDermott, Will and Emery International Law Firm in Washington, DC.

Before that he was Deputy Executive Director for the Puerto Rico Federal Affairs Administration, where his responsibilities included advising the Governor on legislative and federal policy matters and supervising the overall operation and development of grassroots strategies for the nine regional offices of the Government of Puerto Rico in the continental U.S.

Between 1993 and 1997, Mr. Bac� served as Deputy Chief of Staff and Legislative Director to Congressman Carlos Romero-Barcel� of the U.S. House of Representatives. In that capacity, he was responsible for the development and implementation of legislative strategies in areas of health care, economic development, general appropriations, international relations, veterans� affairs and Puerto Rico self-determination. From 1993 to 1994 he also served as a Member of President William J. Clinton�s National Health Care Reform Task Force.


He received his law degree magna cum laude from the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico School of Law in 1992, where he was Editor-in-Chief of the Law Review. He received an LL.M. in International and Comparative Law from Georgetown University Law Center in 1998, and his Bachelor�s in Political Science from the University of Puerto Rico magna cum laude in 1989.


Mr. Bac� is admitted to practice in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia.


Mr. Bac� is a member of the Puerto Rico and District of Columbia Bar Associations as well as the Hispanic National Bar Association. He is also a member of the Executive Boards of the Puerto Rico Council of the Boy Scouts of America, the National Puerto Rican Coalition, and the Center for Puerto Rico Equality and Advancement. In addition, he is and an active participant in the Lex Mundi Government Affairs Practice Group and the U.S.-Spain Council.

Luis Baco Colleagues :
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Roberto Abesada-Aguet

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Leonor Aguilar-Guerrero

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Juan Alonso

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Ariadna Alvarez

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Maralyssa Sanchez

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