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Profile of Luiz Neto

Luiz Neto

Member - Fiscal Council - Comp En De Mn Cemig ADS
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Company Name : Comp En De Mn Cemig ADS
Company Website : www.cemig.com.br
Company Address : Av. Barbacena 1.200 - 7 andar - ala B1
Bairro Santo Agostinho, Belo Horizonte, ,
Luiz Neto Profile :
Member - Fiscal Council - Comp En De Mn Cemig ADS
Luiz Neto Biography :

Luiz Guarit� Neto - 52, obtained his degree in Civil Engineering from Uberaba Integrated University, in 1978, followed by basic courses in Business Management, O&M and Marketing at the Get�lio Vargas Foundation of Rio de Janeiro. He also participated in courses in leadership and human relations at SERE of Rio de Janeiro. He was a Director of CAIO (Avelino In�cio de Oliveira Academic Center), and CIU (the Uberaba Trade and Industry Association). He was Municipal Secretary of Trade, Industry and Tourism for that city from 1989 to 1992, and Municipal Planning Secretary from 1990 to 1992. He became a member of the National Presidential Council of the Federal Savings Bank (Caixa) in 1990. In 1993 he was elected Mayor of Uberaba, for the PFL party. He also acts as Vice-President of the Regional Council of the PFL for Minas Gerais. He is Vice-President of the Association of Municipalities (ABM), and Chairman of Amtrim, the Association of Municipalities for the Minas Triangle Macro Region. He is a member of the State Housing Council, and first substitute for Senator Eduardo Brand�o de Azeredo. In the private sector, he is currently a shareholder of: RCG Engenharia e Empreendimentos Ltda, Construtora RCG, Cat�s Hotelaria e Empreendimentos Ltda, Agropecu�ria Rodrigues da Cunha Guarita, Agropecu�ria 7 Estrelas Ltda, and Dujato Com�rcio de Drogas Uberaba Ltda. He has been a member of the Audit Board of Cemig since March 2003.

Luiz Neto Colleagues :
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Djalma De Morais

Dir., CEO, Exec. VP Please login

Fernando Schuffner Neto

Chief Energy Generation, Transmission Officer Please login

Jose De Mattos

Chief New Business Development Officer Please login

Luiz Rolla

Chief Officer Finance, Investor Relations, Control - Holdings Please login

Marco Da Cunha

Chief Corporate Management Officer Please login

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