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Luke Cats
Luke Cats's Email : Please login
Company Name : Stroz Friedberg LLC
Company Website : www.strozllc.com
Company Address : 32 Ave. of the Americas
4th Fl., New York, NY,
United States,
Luke Cats's Profile : VP
Luke Cats's Biography :

Luke Cats Vice President Luke Cats is one of the most experienced computer forensics experts in the field. Mr. Cats has performed hundreds of forensic acquisitions and analyses, including cases involving thefts of trade secrets, obstruction of government subpoenas, insider trading, and forgery of e-mails and electronic documents. He has used his prodigious forensic skills in a wide range of cyber-crime investigations, forensically preserving and analyzing servers, server logs and personal computers to determine the source, nature and extent of computer intrusions, including intrusions into databases holding credit card and identity information. Mr. Cats is expert in forensically preserving virtually every form of computer storage, including RAID servers, BlackBerrys, cell phones, and Palm Pilots. He is also experienced in conducting network-based forensic acquisition and analysis. Mr. Cats has overseen electronic discovery assignments each involving the imaging or harvesting of data from hundreds of computers and servers. He also mentors and trains junior forensic examiners in the firm. Armed with deep expertise in all of the major computer forensic platforms - including EnCase, Linux, FTK, Safeback, Smart, image MASSter and Logicube - and possessing incomparable investigative skills, Mr. Cats has provided many of Stroz Friedberg's clients with forensic evidence critical to the resolution of civil and criminal litigations. For example, through forensic examination, Mr. Cats determined that a person who hacked an FTP server did not also compromise credit card records on the same server; determined that an employee fraudulently added a paragraph to a memo written by his boss awarding himself a $2 million commission; proved that a defense attorney manipulated his PDA - based time records to falsely reflect certain legal advice to his client; conclusively established that a defendant had sent insider trading e-mails that were fatal to his defense; discovered deleted files on five laptops that demonstrated a multi-million dollar fraud by a band of ex-employees; and established that an employee unlawfully burned to CD ROM thousands of confidential documents the day before his departure. Mr. Cats had a distinguished 15-year career as a Police Officer with the New York City Police Department. For the last five years of his tenure, Mr. Cats was assigned to the Computer Investigations and Technology Unit of the NYPD, where he conducted computer investigations and forensic examinations of computer hard drives and removable media. There, Mr. Cats also developed policies and procedures for the preservation and examination of electronically stored data. At the NYPD, Mr. Cats performed more than 250 forensic examinations of seized computers and electronic evidence. For his work in the area of computer forensics at the NYPD, Mr. Cats received the Chief of Detectives Award in 1997, 1998 and 1999. Mr. Cats traditional investigative skills are well deployed when he assists in the interview of subjects whose computers he is analyzing. Among the more significant computer investigation and forensic cases handled by Mr. Cats at the NYPD were the successful investigation of electronic evidence from numerous pharmacies in a Medicaid fraud case; the investigation of an intrusion into the main servers of a national TV network; and an investigation of a $6 million scheme to purchase computer equipment through online auctions using fraudulent checks. Mr. Cats has also acted undercover in federal, state and local computer crime investigations, often involving child pornographers and pedophiles. After his tenure with the NYPD, and before joining Stroz Friedberg, LLC, Mr. Cats was an independent computer security and computer forensics consultant. In that capacity, he investigated cases involving embezzlement, fraud, computer trespass, computer viruses, denial of service attacks and network intrusions. He also served as Director of Physical Security at GiftCertificates.com.

Luke Cats's Colleagues :
Name Title Email
Edward Stroz Contact Management Please login
Eric Friedberg Contact Management Please login
Beryl Howell Contact Management Please login
John Curran Contact Management Please login
James Aquilina Exec. MD, Dep. General Counsel Please login

* Other executive with same Profile.

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