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Profile of Lynda Given

Lynda Given

Partner - Chicago - Chapman & Cutler
Lynda Given Email :
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Company Name : Chapman & Cutler
Company Website : www.chapman.com
Company Address : 111 W Monroe St.
, Chicago, IL,
United States,
Lynda Given Profile :
Partner - Chicago - Chapman & Cutler
Lynda Given Biography :

Lynda Given is a partner in the Public Finance Department. Since joining the firm in 1980, she has concentrated her practice in public finance. She serves as bond counsel to hundreds of units of local government throughout the State of Illinois, and is a frequent speaker on public finance topics. Ms. Given was named in the Bonds/Government Finance section as an "Illinois Super Lawyer" in 2007 and 2008. Ms. Given is well known for her work as bond counsel to Illinois school districts. She has worked on more than 1,000 financing transactions for Illinois schools, aggregating well in excess of $2 billion. Her experience in school finance is recognized state-wide by her appointment to several prominent positions, including the Illinois Health/Life Safety Code Advisory Committee, the Educational Facilities Subcommittee of the Illinois Building Commission, the Illinois Capital Development Board School Construction Guideline Task Force and the Finance Committee of the Governor's Commission to Revise the Illinois School Code. Ms. Given also serves as bond counsel to the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County, the Forest Preserve District of Kane County, the McHenry County Conservation District, the Kendall County Forest Preserve District and numerous counties, cities, villages, park districts and other special purpose districts throughout the State of Illinois.

Lynda Given Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Ann Acker

Partner - Chicago Please login

Lisa Anagnostopoulos

Partner - Chicago Please login

Ali Anekwe

Assoc. - Chicago Please login

David Audley

Partner - Chicago Please login

Eduardo Aviles

Assoc. - Chicago Please login

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