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Profile of Lynn Potosky

Lynn Potosky

Specialist in public finance - Bose McKinney & Evans LLP
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Company Name : Bose McKinney & Evans LLP
Company Website : www.boselaw.com
Company Address : 135 N Pennsylvania St.
Ste. 2700, Indianapolis, IN,
United States,
Lynn Potosky Profile :
Specialist in public finance - Bose McKinney & Evans LLP
Lynn Potosky Biography :

Lynn M. Potosky

Profile : Lynn Potosky is a specialist in public finance who rejoined Bose McKinney & Evans LLP in June of 2001. Ms. Potosky previously assisted and managed the firm's public finance group for over 8 years, before joining a regional investment banking firm, representing more than 20 years experience in various facets of the public finance industry. While an investment banker, Ms. Potosky utilized her strong fundamentals in public finance law, together with her finance education, to assist governmental and nonprofit entities throughout Indiana and Kentucky with their financing needs. At Bose McKinney & Evans, Ms. Potosky continues to work closely with clients, including school corporations, cities and counties, nonprofits and state issuing authorities, as well as with related finance professionals such as underwriters, banks, rating agencies and bond insurers, in the planning and implementation of bond issues. She also has experience in letter-of-credit backed variable rate debt transactions for non-governmental borrowers. Ms. Potosky manages the legal documentation and proceedings from inception to successful completion of the transaction.

Ms. Potosky is active in the Indiana Association of School Business Officials and the Indiana School Boards Association and regularly works with the State Department of Local Government Finance.


Indiana University - Indianapolis (B.A., 1992)

Ball State University (A.A., 1979)

Appearances / Publications

Co-Author: "A Better Financing Tool: Why you should consider a lower floater" (Smart Business Indianapolis, 2004)

Appointments / Memberships

Member: National Association of Bond Lawyers (Legal Assistant).

Lynn Potosky Colleagues :
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Adrian Allen

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Thomas Atherton

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Bryan Babb

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Steven Badger

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Jeffrey Bailey

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