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Profile of Marc Kramer

Marc Kramer

Partner, Counsel - Curtis Mallet-Prevost Colt & Mosle LLP
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Company Name : Curtis Mallet-Prevost Colt & Mosle LLP
Company Website : www.cm-p.com
Company Address : 101 Pk. Ave.
, New York, NY,
United States,
Marc Kramer Profile :
Partner, Counsel - Curtis Mallet-Prevost Colt & Mosle LLP
Marc Kramer Biography :


Marc V. Kramer, partner of Curtis London based in the Firm�s Frankfurt Office, is part of the International Corporate Department concentrating on financial markets, investment management and general corporate matters. As a specialty, Mr. Kramer advises associations, clubs and individual athletes on German and international sports law and regulations, in particular in the soccer arena.

With particular experience representing German and non-German financial institutions and corporations in a range of investment banking and corporate finance transactions, Mr. Kramer is often called on for structuring, documentation and regulatory advice. His experience includes securitization, credit derivatives and distressed debt, securities offerings, mezzanine finance and mergers & acquisitions.

As part of Curtis�s highly regarded International Funds Practice Group, Mr. Kramer advises U.S., European and German funds, investment managers and investors on EU and German investment laws and regulations. His expertise comprises all aspects of structuring, documenting, operation and listing of funds and investment companies.

Mr. Kramer is fluent in German, French and English, and has studied and worked extensively in these languages. He is a German-qualified lawyer (Rechtsanwalt), admitted to the Frankfurt Bar Association. Previously Mr. Kramer was a senior associate in financial markets with the law firm of Simmons & Simmons, practicing in both London and Frankfurt.


University of Munich, Law and Economics

University of Lausanne, Switzerland, Law (Ma�tre en Droit)

University of Bayreuth, Germany, Law and Economics (First State Exam)

State of Hesse, Germany, Law (Second State Exam)

University of Stellenbosch, South Africa (LL.M.)


American-German Business Club

German Lawyers Association

American Chamber of Commerce in Germany

Speaking Engagements and Recent Media Interviews.

Alternative Investments under the Revised German Investment Act, Fortis Investments, Workshop, Frankfurt, April 2008

Interview, We See the Trends - Hedge Funds Investing in Private Equity, (together with Carl A. Ruggiero and Thomas Laurer), Hedgework News, Issue 11, November 2006

Please click here to download a copy of the interview.

(German, .pdf, large file/slow download)

Convergence of Hedge Funds and Private Equity - Legal Aspects of an International Trend, (together with Carl A. Ruggiero and Thomas Laurer), Hedgework, Frankfurt, November 2006

Legal Aspects of Distressed Debt Transactions in Germany, Handelsblatt Financial Trainings, Frankfurt, March 2004 and Munich, October 2004

Asset-backed Securities for Mid-sized German Companies - Legal and Tax Aspects, Unternehmensforum D�sseldorf, July 2004

Legal Structures of Alternative Financing for German Mid-Sized Companies, Rheingauer Gespr�chsforum, September 2003


Co-authored with Thilo Winkeler, SPACS auf dem Vormarsch, B�rsenzeitung, Germany, Finance Magazine, March 2008

Dubai: New Fund Regulations to Open �Flood Gates�?, Alternative Investment Quarterly, Second Quarter, 2006

Investor Protection Improvement Act amends German Securities Trading Law - Effects on exchange-listed companies, Kapitalmarktstrategie - Erfolgsfaktoren f�r b�rsennotierte Gesellschaften (Wiesbaden, May 2006, 1st ed.)

Co-authored with Thomas Laurer, SEC-Pflicht f�r Hedgefonds zieht international Kreise, B�ersenzeitung, February 8, 2006

Please click here to view the article - PDF, 1.21MB

The Revised German Securities Trading Act on the Basis of the New German Investor Protection Improvement Act - Implications for Exchange-listed Companies, in Success Factors for Exchange-listed Companies (Wiesbaden, Gabler-Verlag, 2005)

Co-author, Asset-backed Securities: Securitization and Structured Products, The IFLR Guide to Germany 2003 (pp. 37-42)


German, English, French

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