Marc Sherman spearheads ATC Logistics & Electronics� (ATCLE) technology strategy, creating innovative information systems solutions that deliver feature-rich, business-critical applications for its clients. With a hands-on approach to every client engagement, Sherman ensures each customer receives a solution that is tailored to meet their unique business needs and fits seamlessly with ATCLE�s highly scalable platforms that routinely process more than five million transactions per month at service levels that exceed 99.5 percent.Sherman has been with ATCLE for eight years, serving first as Information Technology Manager and then Director of Information Technology, Logistics. His blend of technical skills and operational experience bring a unique perspective to the management team at ATCLE.Prior to joining ATCLE, Sherman served in the United States Air Force for 20 years. Sherman received a bachelor�s degree and an MBA in Management Information Systems from Wayland Baptist University. |