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Profile of Marc Slutzky

Marc Slutzky

Principal - Consulting Actuary - Milliman USA Inc.
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Company Name : Milliman USA Inc.
Company Website : www.milliman.com
Company Address : 1301 5th Ave.
Ste. 3800, Seattle, WA,
United States,
Marc Slutzky Profile :
Principal - Consulting Actuary - Milliman USA Inc.
Marc Slutzky Biography :

Marc Slutzky - Principal, Consulting Actuary FSA, MAAA Professional designations Fellow, Society of Actuaries Member, American Academy of Actuaries Current responsibility Marc is a principal and consulting actuary in the New York office of Milliman. He consults to life insurance companies and investors on mergers and acquisitions, demutualizations, capital management strategies, risk management, and reinsurance.Experience Marc joined the firm after serving for several years as senior vice president and corporate actuary at Mutual of America Life Insurance Company in New York. He has extensive experience in the industry as an actuary and financial officer and in the development and analysis of financial projections, plans, and results, both in the US and Japan. He has participated in several demutualizations and reorganizations and in mergers and acquisitions and dispositions.Affiliations Marc is chair of the Society of Actuaries International Section.He has served on several industry committees, including: American Academy of Actuaries Best Estimates Task Force American Academy of Actuaries Unified Valuation System Task Force Disability Committee Reinsurance Committee of the American Council of Life Insurance Society of Actuaries Demutualization Task Force Education BA, Economics, Hobart College, Geneva, New York.

Marc Slutzky Colleagues :
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