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Profile of Marcella Szel

Marcella Szel

Sr. VP - Marketing, Sales - Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd.
Marcella Szel Email :
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Company Name : Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd.
Company Website : www.cpr.ca
Company Address : 401-9th Ave. SW
Ste. 500, Calgary, AB,
Marcella Szel Profile :
Sr. VP - Marketing, Sales - Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd.
Marcella Szel Biography :

Marcella Szel has more than 20 years of direct legal experience with CPR in litigation and administrative law. Ms. Szel served as Alberta general and regional counsel for the railway and other Canadian Pacific Limited families until 1991 when she was appointed to lead the railway's efforts at improved management processes. She became Vice President, Law in 1993 and was appointed Vice President, Marketing and Sales, Bulk in 2004. In 2005, she assumed the additional responsibility for government and regulatory affairs as Senior Vice President, Bulk Commodities and Government Affairs.

Ms. Szel was Chair of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in 1998. She serves on the Boards of the Council for Canadian Unity and the Esther Honens Foundation, Association of General Counsel and, in 2000, received Ministerial appointment to the Alberta Provincial Court Nominating Committee. She was appointed to the to the board of directors of Export Development Canada in May, 2005.

Ms. Szel holds Bachelor of Arts and Law degrees from the University of Alberta.

Marcella Szel Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Paul Guthrie

VP - Law Please login

Mike Waites

Exec. VP Please login

John Cleghorn

Chmn. Please login

Neal Foot

Exec. VP - Operations Calgary, Alberta Please login

Andrew Shields

VP - Human Resources, Industrial Relations Please login

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