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Profile of Margaret Welch

Margaret Welch

MD - Sullivan, Bruyette, Speros & Blayney Inc.
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Company Name : Sullivan, Bruyette, Speros & Blayney Inc.
Company Website : www.sbsbinc.com
Company Address : 8180 Greensboro Dr.
Ste. 1000, Mclean, VA,
United States,
Margaret Welch Profile :
MD - Sullivan, Bruyette, Speros & Blayney Inc.
Margaret Welch Biography :

Margaret specializes in personal portfolio management, retirement planning and estate planning . Treasurer of the Washington, D.C. Estate Planning Council, Margaret also advises non-profit organizations on investment and cash flow management, and on techniques of deferred and planned giving. She has been published and cited in the New York Times, Washington Post, Boardroom, Bottom Line Personal, Money, USA Today, Louis Rukeyser's Money Letter, and Dow Jones Financial Advisor, and has been included in Worth Magazine's 1988 and 1999 list of the top financial advisors in America. Formerly President of Armstrong, Welch, and MacIntyre, Inc., a personal financial planning firm in Washington, DC, Margaret merged her practice with Harris SBSB on January 1, 2001. She has been in practice since 1982. Margaret, a former English teacher, previously spent five years at the Folger Shakespeare Library, managing a project to develop a national constituency for that institution. CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER professional, Margaret practiced initially with Prudential-Bache Securities and Smith Barney. She is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Duke University with an MA from the University of Illinois, and has taught personal finance management for Fairfax County Adult Education. Her community activities include chairing the Wolf Trap Associates Board; she is a Trustee of the Christ Church, Alexandria, Foundation; a member of the Hospice of Northern Virginia Planned Giving Advisory Committee; and she serves on the Boards of Directors of Dumbarton Concerts, Wolf Trap Foundation and the Duke University Council on Women's Studies. She is a member of the Junior League of Washington, DC, Inc. Estate planning requires legal assistance, which Harris SBSB does not provide. You should discuss your particular estate planning situation with a qualified attorney. Harris SBSB will work with you and your attorney in assisting with the execution of your plan. Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. owns the certification marks CFP , Certified Financial Planner and federally registered CFP (with flame design) in the U.S., which it awards to individuals who successfully complete CFP Board s initial and ongoing certification requirements.

Margaret Welch Colleagues :
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Gregory Sullivan

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James Bruyette

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Peter Speros

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Pamela Shortal

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Mark Johannessen

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