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Profile of Margie Gilbertson

Margie Gilbertson

Member - Advisory Board - Audiology Online Inc.
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Company Name : Audiology Online Inc.
Company Website : www.audiologyonline.com
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Margie Gilbertson Profile :
Member - Advisory Board - Audiology Online Inc.
Margie Gilbertson Biography :

Margie L. Gilbertson, Ph.D.

University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Medicine, Dept. of Pediatrics James L. Dennis Developmental Center

Little Rock, Arkansas

Current Positions:

Speech-Language Pathologist and Audiologist, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Medicine, Dept. of Pediatrics, James L. Dennis Developmental Center

1301 Wolfe St., Slot 512-4

Little Rock, AR 72202-3591


Ph.D., University of Memphis, 8/91

M.S.E., University of Central Arkansas, 5/85

B.S., University of Central Arkansas, 5/85

Scholarship and Professional Development


Gilbertson, M., & Bramlett, R. (1998). Phonological awareness screening to identify at-risk readers: Implications for practioners. Language, Speech and Hearing Services in Schools, 2, 109-116.

Gilbertson, M., & Thompson, L. (1997). Phonological awareness group education: PAGE. Clinical Connection, 10, 14-16.

Gilbertson, M., Fusilier, B., Murch, S., & Dancer, J. (1996). Speech concerns of hard-of-hearing adults. Journal of Perceptual and Motor Skills, 83, 377-378.

Gilbertson, M., & Kamhi, A. (1995). Novel word learning in hearing-impaired children. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 38, 630-642.


Editorial Consultant, Language, Speech and Hearing Services in Schools, 9/93 to present

Editorial Consultant, Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 4/96


Gilbertson, M. Third Grade Reading Ability and Phonological Processing Skills. $3000 awarded by the Office of Organized Research at Arkansas State University.

Gilbertson, M., & Bramlett, R. (1995). Predicting First Grade Reading Success in Headstart Children. $2607 awarded by the Research Council of the University of Central Arkansas.

Gilbertson, M., & Anderson, M (1993). Speech Characteristics of Hearing-Impaired Adults: Perception and Analysis. $2835 awarded by the Research Council of the University of Central Arkansas.

Gilbertson, M. & Aslin, L. (1990). Evaluating the Effects of Amplified Auditory Bombardment in Speech-Sound Disordered Children. $1990 awarded by the College of Education, University of Arkansas - Fayetteville.

Gilbertson, M., Raiford, C., & Shadden, B (1990). Identification and Tracking of Linguistic Skills in Three- to Five-Year-Old Children. $4033 awarded by University Affiliated Programs, University of Arkansas.

Invited Presentations

Gilbertson, M. (2004). Processing and Reading Fluency. Park International Magnet School, Hot Springs, AR.

Gilbertson, M. & Pait, A. (2004). Literacy Intervention for Preschoolers: Promoting Literacy Skills. Summer Institute, Northeast Arkansas Educational Cooperative, Jonesboro, AR.

Gilbertson, M. (2003). Literacy, Language and Reading Fluency. Regional Association of Communication Disorders, Jonesboro, AR.

Gilbertson, M. (2003). Language and Reading Processing, Sixth Annual Clinical Instructors Seminar, College of Nursing and Health Professions, ASU, Jonesboro, AR.

Gilbertson, M. (2000). Facilitating Word Retrieval Skills in School-Age Children, Annual Convention of the Arkansas Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Hot Springs, Ark.

Gilbertson, M. (1999). Auditory Language Learning: Peripheral and Central Factors. Faculty and Administration, Hot Springs School District #6, Hot Springs, Ark.

Gilbertson, M. (1997). Hearing Aids vs. FM Systems for Classroom Use. Faculty and Administration at Jessieville Elementary School, Jessieville, Ark.

Gilbertson, M. (1997). Hearing Screenings for Children. Introduction to Audiology Class, Dr. Jess Dancer, UALR/UAMS Dept. of Speech-Language Pathology, Little Rock, Ark.

Gilbertson, M. (1997). Language assessment and Intervention Using the PAGE Program. Language Disorders class, Dr. Betholyn Gentry, UALR/UAMS Dept. of Speech-Language Pathology, Little Rock, Ark.

Gilbertson, M (1997). New ASHA Hearing Screening Guidelines for SLPs: Demonstration and Practice. Annual Convention of the Arkansas Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Hot Springs, Ark.

Gilbertson, M. & Thompson, L. (1997). Phonological Awareness Group Education. Academic Language Therapists' training session, Dyslexia Center, Centers for Youth and Families, North Little Rock, Ark.

Gilbertson, M. (1997). Speech concerns of SHHH Members and Guidelines for Seeking Speech Conversation Services. SHHH Central Arkansas Chapter, Little Rock, Ark.

Gilbertson, M., & Graham, L. (1996). Turn the PAGE to Literacy and Language Learning: Phonological Awareness Group Education. Harding University Communication Conference, Searcy, Ark.

Gilbertson, M. (1995). Phonological Awareness and Language Processing. ArkSHA Task Force on Central Auditory Processing Disorders, Little Rock, Ark.

Gilbertson, M. (1994). Theories of Language Acquisition and Disorder. Arkansas Dept. of Health, Little Rock, Ark.

Gilbertson, M. (1994). Implications of Assistive Listening Devices for Communication Intervention. Therapeutic Services, Little Rock, Ark.

Gilbertson, M. (1993). Facilitating Language Learning. Friendship Services Workshop, Russellville, Ark.

Gilbertson, M. (1991). Assessment and Remediation of Spoken and Written Language Disorders. R.E. Baker Elementary School, Bentonville, Ark.

Professional Presentations

Gilbertson, M., & Fusilier, B. (1998). Hearing Screening Guidelines for SLPs: Demonstration and Practice. National Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, San Antonio, Texas.

Johnson, W., & Gilbertson, M. (1996). Student's Attitudes Toward Augmentative Communication: Effects of Classroom Learning. Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Seattle, Washington.

Gilbertson, M., Graham, L. & Thompson, L. (1995). Phonological Awareness Assessment and Intervention. Annual Convention of the Arkansas Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Hot Springs, Ark.

Gilbertson, M., Fusilier, B., Dancer, J., & Murch, S. (1995). Speech Concerns of Adults with Acquired Hearing Loss. National Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Orlando, Fla.

Ross, S., & Gilbertson, M. (1995). Pre-Service Training: A Transdisciplinary Approach. Seventeenth Annual Interdisciplinary Health Care Team Conference, Pittsburgh, Penn.

Gilbertson, M., Dancer, J., Fusilier, B., & Murch, S. (1992). Speech Characteristics Following Acquired Hearing Loss. International SHHH Convention, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Gilbertson, M., & Aslin, L. (1992). Effects of Amplified Auditory Bombardment upon Phonological Production Performance. National Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, San Antonio, Texas.

Gilbertson, M., & Kamhi, A. (1991). Novel Word Mappings in Hearing-Impaired Children. National Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Atlanta, Ga.

Gilbertson, M., Shadden, B. Stephens, E., & Ford, M. M. (1991). Middle Ear Status and Language Acquisition in Headstart Children. National Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Atlanta, Ga.

Gilbertson, M., Haver, L., & McConaghy, K. (1990). Building a Lexicon: Considering Individual Preferences to Facilitate Lexical Growth, National Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Seattle, WA.

Kamhi, A., & Gilbertson, M. (1989). Phonological Processing Skills in Hearing-Impaired Children. National Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, St. Louis, Mo.

Gilbertson, M., & Higginbotham, P. (1988). An Intervention Model for Developmental Verbal Apraxia. Seventeenth Annual Midsouth Conference on Communicative Disorders, Memphis, Tenn.

Hillard, S., & Gilbertson, M. (1987). Fluency Intervention with the School-Age Child Who Stutters. National Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Detroit, Mich.

Recent Service Offices, Activities and Awards

Treasurer, Arkansas Board of Examiners in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, 2004-2007.

Vice President for Continuing Education, 2004-2005, Arkansas Speech-Language-Hearing Association.

Vice President Elect for Continuing Education, 2003 - 2004, Arkansas Speech-Language-Hearing Asssociation.

Vice President for Hearing Services, 2001 - 20003, Arkansas Speech-Language-Hearing Association.

ArkSHA Convention Continuing Education Committee, 1999.

ArkSHA Task Force for Universal Hearing Screening, 1998-1999.

Publications Committee, ArkSHA, 1997-1998.

Certificate of Appreciation from ArkSHA Central Auditory Processing Task Force, 8/95

Certificate of Appreciation from ArkSHA Support Personnel Task Force, 7/94.

Award for Continuing Education, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association,8/92.

Margie Gilbertson Colleagues :
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Paul Dybala

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Joanne Slater

News, Information Mgr., Continuing Education Administrator Please login

Nancy Aarts

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Debra Joan Berger Abel

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Faith Wurm Akin

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