Maria Estela Kubitschek Lopes - 64 holds a degree in architecture and is an interior designer and entrepreneur. She is managing partner of DF Consultores Ltda. and Santa J�lia Importa��o Exporta��o e Participa��es. She also works as adviser to the chairman of the Foundation of the Rio de Janeiro Municipal Theater the chairman of Friends of the State of Rio de Janeiro Ame-Rio and the chairman of the board of Casa Santa Ignez (a philanthropic organization that provides food and education to children and low-income families in the Rocinha district of Rio de Janeiro). She was one of the founders of Memorial JK an organization to preserve the memory of Brazil�s former president Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira serving as its vice-president from 1981 to 2000 and its executive chair since 2000. She has also been chair of the Cesgranrio Cultural Institute; vice-president of the Council of the Women's Bank; president of the Beneficent Institutions of the State of Rio de Janeiro; and a member of the council of the cultural institution Casa das Palmeiras. She has received several honors recognizing cultural and social merit. |