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Profile of Mark Belding

Mark Belding

VP, Research, Analysis - Allan Collautt Associates Inc.
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Company Name : Allan Collautt Associates Inc.
Company Website : www.acainc.com
Company Address : 1974 Sproul Rd.
Ste. 200, Broomall, PA,
United States,
Mark Belding Profile :
VP, Research, Analysis - Allan Collautt Associates Inc.
Mark Belding Biography :

Dr. Belding is responsible for the delivery of data management, data analysis, and related ACA consulting services, particularly in the areas of performance analysis, regulatory compliance and reporting, and monitoring of managed care programs. His primary areas of expertise lie in data analysis, database design, SQL programming, and business intelligence. He also plays an active role in the design of ACA software products particularly as they relate to reporting and analysis. Dr. Belding's educational and professional background provides a unique combination of technical knowledge and practical understanding of the clinical and administrative issues that can be addressed through the analysis of health data. His experience as a teacher and published author of scientific articles attests to his ability to communicate effectively regarding potentially complex issues. Before joining the company in 1997, he worked in the field of human services as a clinical psychologist, administrator, and researcher. He has held positions in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania and on the faculty of Hahnemann University. His administrative experience includes serving for two years as clinic director of an outpatient substance abuse treatment facility. His research focused primarily on substance abuse treatment and his experience includes serving as project manager and primary data analyst on a variety of grant-funded research projects. He has authored or co-authored a dozen articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals. He has also authored or co-authored nine presentations at international scientific conferences and co-authored two book chapters on behavioral health treatment and treatment outcomes. Dr. Belding received a B.A. from Swarthmore College and a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Duke University.

Mark Belding Colleagues :
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Allan Collautt

Pres., CEO Please login

Thomas Foga

Exec. VP, CFO Please login

Robert McBride

VP, Customer Operations Please login

Frank Pappas

Software Development Mgr. Please login

Lisa Smith

Mgr., Administration, Personnel Please login

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