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Profile of Mark Boster

Mark Boster

COO - Platinum Solutions Inc.
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Company Name : Platinum Solutions Inc.
Company Website : www.platinumsolutions.com
Company Address : 11700 Plz. America Dr.
Ste. 810, Reston, VA,
United States,
Mark Boster Profile :
COO - Platinum Solutions Inc.
Mark Boster Biography :

Mark Boster, Ph.D. joined Platinum Solutions in 2005 as Chief Operating Officer. He brings over 30 years of management experience including 20 years of IT management at all levels. Dr. Boster is a demonstrated leader in building partnerships between businesses and government to accomplish mutual goals and exceed customers' expectations.

Dr. Boster was most recently Senior Vice President at ICF and helped transform its information technology unit into a more productive, growth oriented business. Prior to ICF, Dr. Boster was Group Senior Vice President at Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) and while there successfully directed and grew a group into a $112 million organization. A senior executive fellow at Harvard University, Dr. Boster also worked for the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) as the Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Information Resources Management. He was the most senior career IT professional in the DOJ and was responsible for directing and overseeing the management, acquisition, and integration of the Department's $1.5 billion information technology program. Dr. Boster is also a Federal 100 Industry Award recipient and represented the DOJ on the President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection.

Mr. Boster hails from Ohio and holds a B.S. in Hydrology and Computer Science from The Ohio State University, and an M.S. and Ph. D. in Water Resources Administration and Economics from the University of Arizona. He is motorcycle enthusiast, a budding chef, and also enjoys sailing.

Mark Boster Colleagues :
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Laila Rossi

CEO Please login

Adam Rossi

Pres. Please login

Stephanie Callaghan

VP - Corporate Quality Please login

Steve Field

CFO Please login

Darrell Graddy

Member - Advisory Board Please login

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