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Profile of Mark McHenry

Mark McHenry

CEO, Founder - Shared Spectrum Co.
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Company Name : Shared Spectrum Co.
Company Website : www.sharedspectrum.com
Company Address : 1595 Spring Hill Rd.
Ste. 110, Vienna, VA,
United States,
Mark McHenry Profile :
CEO, Founder - Shared Spectrum Co.
Mark McHenry Biography :

Mr. McHenry, who founded Shared Spectrum in 2000, has 22 years experience as an innovative engineer. Mr. McHenry was awarded the 2006 Engineer of the Year Award by the DC Area Council of Engineering and Architectural Studies and is a member of the U.S. Department of Commerce Spectrum Advisory Committee. Mr. McHenry has extensive experience in military and commercial communication systems design. He was also a co-founder of San Diego Research Center, Inc., a wireless research and development company. Previously he was a Program Manager at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), where he managed multiple programs. He has worked as an Engineer at SRI International, Northrop Advanced Systems, McDonnell Douglas Astronautics, Hughes Aircraft and Ford Aerospace. He received the Office of Secretary of Defense Award for Outstanding Achievement in 1997 and the Office of Secretary of Defense Award for Exceptional Public Service Award in 2000. He has multiple RF technology related patents

Mark McHenry Colleagues :
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Peter Tenhula

VP - Reg Affairs Business Please login

Karl Steadman

Systems Mgr. Please login

Filip Perich

Software Mgr. Please login

Carson Murray

Hardware Mgr. Please login

Theresa McHenry

Exec. VP, CFO, HR Please login

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