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Profile of Mark Karan

Mark Karan

International Academic Training Consultant - SIL International
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Company Name : SIL International
Company Website : www.sil.org
Company Address : 7500 W. Camp Wisdom Rd.
, Dallas, TX,
United States,
Mark Karan Profile :
International Academic Training Consultant - SIL International
Mark Karan Biography :


PhD Linguistics. University of Pennsylvania, 1996

MA Linguistics. University of North Dakota, 1983

BA, English Bible. Northeastern Bible College, 1976

Current positions

Training Division Director, Academic Affairs, SIL International (2002- )

Other experience

University of North Dakota Associate Professor/Graduate Faculty (1998- )

University of North Dakota SIL Director (1998-2003)

Bangui Evangelical Graduate School of Theology SIL [portion] Translation Degree Program Coordinator (2000-2001)

CAR-SIL [Central African Republic] Academics/Language Programs Associate Director (1990-2001)

Togo-Benin SIL Associate Director (1984-1987)

Togo-Benin SIL Linguistics Consultant (1984-1987), CAR-SIL (1990-2001)

Language proficiency


French 3.5

Sango 1 [Central African Republic]

German 1

Research interests

Dynamics of language shift

Selected publications

Publications in SIL International Bibliography

2001. "The Dynamics of Sango Language Spread." In Dallas: SIL International.

2000. "Motivations: Language Vitality Assessments Using the Perceived Benefit Model of Language Shift." In Assessing Ethnolinguistic Vitality: Theory and Practice.ed. by Gloria Kindell & M. Paul Lewis. 65-77. Dallas: SIL International.

2000. "Assessing Motivations: Techniques for Researching the Motivations behind Language Choice." In Assessing Ethnolinguistic Vitality: Theory and Practice.ed. by Gloria Kindell & M. Paul Lewis. 189-205. With J�rg Stalder. Dallas: SIL International.

1990. "Suspension of a Vowel Contrast in Philadelphia." In Penn Review of Linguistics,With William Labov, Volume 14, Spring.

1989. "Once a Word, Always a Word?" In Penn Review of Linguistics,,Volume 13, Spring.

1984. "Notes on Phonological Grouping in Kalengin (Kenya) in relation to Tone, Intonation Patterns, and Vowel Harmony." With Kenneth L. Pike. 47-59. OPSSL 3 Juba: University of Juba, Sudan and SIL.

1981. "Critique of the 'Factor of Intelligibility' Word List Comparison System." Revue de D�partement de Linguistique de l'Universit� de Niamey,(Niger. No. III, 1&2, 1981).

Selected papers presented

1998. "The Dynamics of Language Shift and Language Change." Paper read at the Second Inter-University Conference on Sociolinguistics, Haifa University [Israel].

1993. "The Spread of Languages of Wider Communication and the Implications for Vernacular Language Development." Paper read at the International Language Assessment Conference II, Horsleys Green, England.

1985a. "Adjustment Factors in Language Comparison Methods." Paper read at the 16th West African Languages Congress, Yaound�, Cameroun.

1985b. "An Experiment in Computer Assisted Dialect Adaptation." Paper read at the 15th West African Congress, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Published in West African Languages in Education, ed. by Kay Williamson. With Thomas W. Marmor. 199-226. (Beitr�ge zur Afrikanistik 27) Vienna: Afro-Pub (Ver�ffen-tlichungen der Institute f�r Afrikanistik und Agyptologie der Universit�t Wien (38)).

Mark Karan Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Carolyn Miller

Pres., Dir. - USA Please login

Barbara Trudell

VP Please login

Eugene Burnham

Sec. Please login

David Cram

Treasurer Please login

David Bosma

Dir. - Holland, Australia, Finance Coordinator, SIL Pacific Area Please login

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