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Profile of Mark Walker

Mark Walker

Board Dir. - Crowe & Dunlevy
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Company Name : Crowe & Dunlevy
Company Website : www.crowedunlevy.com
Company Address : 20 N Broadway
Ste. 1800, Oklahoma City, OK,
United States,
Mark Walker Profile :
Board Dir. - Crowe & Dunlevy
Mark Walker Biography :

L. Mark Walker serves as a shareholder and director for Crowe & Dunlevy in its Oklahoma City offices. His areas of interest lay in energy, natural resources and environmental law. His practice includes litigation in both Federal and State Courts, as well as practicing before the Oklahoma Water Resources Board, the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality, and the Oklahoma Corporation Commission. In 2007, Mr. Walker was listed by Chambers USA as a leading individual in Energy and Natural Resources, and he became a member of the American College of Environmental Lawyers. In addition, he is listed in The Best Lawyers in America, Super Lawyers, and is a member of several professional associations and memberships including the American Bar Association (energy law, environmental law and administrative law sections), the Mineral Lawyers Society of OKC, and the Environmental Committee of the Oklahoma Independent Producers Association. In addition to his practice, Mr. Walker is an accomplished writer and scholar as well. He has authored several works for publications such as the Oklahoma Bar Association Journal and the Oklahoma Law Review, where he received the Outstanding Third Year Writer award in 1983. He has taught numerous seminars in his areas of interests for the American Bar Association, the Oklahoma Bar Association, including "Environmental Laws and Issues in the Oil and Gas Industry", "Damages in Pollution Cases" and "Admissibility of Expert Testimony in Pollution Cases." Mr. Walker graduated with special distinction from the University of Oklahoma, where he completed his Bachelor of Business Administration in 1980. He stayed in Norman to complete his Juris Doctorate at the OU College of Law in 1983, where he was elected to the Order of the Coif. He has also served his community, helping the Oklahoma Bar Association in its tornado relief assistance.

Mark Walker Colleagues :
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Thomas Biolchini

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