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Profile of Mark Walsh

Mark Walsh

Member - Advisory Board - Sensics Inc.
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Company Name : Sensics Inc.
Company Website : www.sensics.com
Company Address : 810 Landmark Dr.
Ste. 128, Baltimore, MD,
United States,
Mark Walsh Profile :
Member - Advisory Board - Sensics Inc.
Mark Walsh Biography :

Mark L. Walsh is the managing partner of Ruxton Ventures, LLC, a private equity and investment firm he founded in early 2001. Ruxton has made investments in a number of technology and service companies, including Blackboard (NASDAQ:BBBB), Half.com (Acquired by eBay), Day Corporation (SWX:DAYN), IndustryBrains, Transactis , Visual Systems Group, Inc., Phocuswright and many others. He served as Chairman of the VerticalNet NASDAQ:VERT) Board of Directors from July 2000, until February 2002. Prior to that, he served as President and Chief Executive Officer from August 1997, to July 2000. Before joining VerticalNet, he was a Senior Vice President and corporate officer at America Online, Inc. from 1995 to 1997. He founded and managed AOL Enterprise, the business-to-business division of AOL. Prior to his position with AOL, Mr. Walsh was the President of GEnie, General Electric's online service. He currently serves on a number of private company and non-profit boards of directors and advisors. He was a board member and chairman of a number of interactive and technology trade associations. He has been active in many political causes: as CEO and co-founder of Air America Radio in early 2004; as head of internet operations for the John Kerry Presidential Campaign in 2003; and as Chief Technology Advisor to the Democratic National Committee in 2002. He was named man of the year by the Maryland State Democratic Party in 2001 He received his MBA from Harvard Business School and B.A. from Union College, where he serves as a trustee.

Mark Walsh Colleagues :
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Yuval Boger

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Larry Brown

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Dana Skaddan

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Carolina Cruz-Neira

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David Weiss

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