Mark Rae concentrates in derivatives, commodities and structured finance.
In commodities, much of his recent work has focused on the energy sector. He participated in the development by EEI, NAESB and ISDA of standard trading agreements and credit support arrangements for electric power and natural gas. He also has negotiated and documented power purchase agreements, the restructuring of power purchase agreements, various types of collateral arrangements for energy trading, spark-spread structures (physical and financial) and energy management agreements for generation assets owned or controlled by financial institutions.
He also has extensive recent experience with credit default swaps, total return swaps, synthetic CDO transactions (static and managed) and various equity derivative structures. He participates in ISDA�s development of standard terms for credit default swaps involving ABS assets. He has a thorough understanding of the regulatory and accounting considerations that can influence the structure of commodity, derivative and structured finance transactions, as well as of the manner in which such transactions will be treated in bankruptcy situations and the implications of such treatment for transactions structures.
Mr. Rae is listed in Chambers USA.
American Bar Association: Member, Section on International Law and Practice; Member, Section on Business Law; Vice Chairman, Special Task Group on Commodity Futures Trading Commission Reauthorization Legislation
Office of General Counsel, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 1977-1981
Lecturer, Practising Law Institute
Lecturer, International Bar Association
Admitted to Practice
Washington, D.C., 1977
New York, 1996
J.D., Rutgers University School of Law, Newark, 1977
A.B., Brown University, 1972 |