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Profile of Mark Nemec

Mark Nemec

MD - Technology Industry Client Group - Forrester Research Inc.
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Company Name : Forrester Research Inc.
Company Website : www.forrester.com
Company Address : 400 Technology Sq.
, Cambridge, MA,
United States,
Mark Nemec Profile :
MD - Technology Industry Client Group - Forrester Research Inc.
Mark Nemec Biography :

As managing director Mark leads Forrester's Technology Industry Client Group. He is responsible for overseeing the global strategy and day-to-day operations of Forrester's offerings for established and emerging hardware software and services providers. Under Mark's direction Forrester helps technology industry professionals strategize plan promote and go to market. Mark serves on Forrester's Executive Team.

Previously Mark was a vice president running the Forrester Leadership Boards (FLBs) in the Americas. The FLBs serve select executives across the IT marketing and strategy and technology industry communities through exclusive research best practices and peer-to-peer networking. Mark was also responsible for the launch of the Forrester Leadership Board for technology marketing executives.

Prior to joining Forrester Mark was a senior director at the Advisory Board Company a research consultancy based in Washington D.C. Previously Mark was on the faculty of Davidson College where his work focused on how organizations and their leadership manage innovation and navigate constraints. He also was a member of the review board for thinkwell.com a publisher of online college textbooks. Additionally Mark served as a policy advisor on technology and development to the Chairman of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.

Mark's recently published book Ivory Towers and Nationalist Minds establishes the impact of American universities on the establishment of the American state. In what has been called "a wonderful learned and original work full of present-day relevance " Mark's book examines how a community of university leaders negotiated the complexity of the turn of the century to establish themselves as the primary institutions for defining societal and political change.

Mark received his Ph.D. in political science and his M.A. in education from the University of Michigan and his B.A. from Yale where he was also an All-Ivy League rugby player.

Mark Nemec Colleagues :
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