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Profile of Mark Weber

Mark Weber

Exec. VP - Global Business Services - Delphi Corp.
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Company Name : Delphi Corp.
Company Website : www.delphi.com
Company Address : 5725 Delphi Dr.
, Troy, MI,
United States,
Mark Weber Profile :
Exec. VP - Global Business Services - Delphi Corp.
Mark Weber Biography :

Mark R. Weber, 58, is executive vice president, global business services of Delphi Corporation. He is also a member of the Delphi Strategy Board, the company's top policy-making group.

Weber began his automotive career in 1966 as a student at Kettering University, sponsored by the former Fisher Body, Elyria, Ohio. He held a variety of personnel and labor relations positions from 1971 through 1978, when he became administrator of personnel services at the former Fisher Body in Columbus, Ohio. One year later he was named personnel director at the former Fisher Body in Syracuse, N.Y.

In 1982, he was appointed administrator of executive compensation of the GM Personnel and Development Staff in Detroit, Mich., a position he held until 1983 when he was named director, classified employee compensation.

In 1985, Weber was appointed director of general offices personnel at the Chevrolet-Pontiac-GM of Canada Group in Warren, Mich., and later served as director of human resources, salaried personnel. In 1988, he became director of industrial relations.

In 1991, Weber was appointed general director of personnel at the former Inland Fisher Guide in Warren, Mich., and two years later he was named general director of personnel and public affairs for Inland Fisher Guide. He was elected a Delphi vice president in charge of human resources in November 1998. Weber was elected executive vice president and named as executive vice president, operations, HRM & corporate affairs effective January 1, 2000. He was appointed to his current position in June 2006.

Weber earned a bachelor's degree in industrial engineering from Kettering University. He earned a master's degree in management from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1982 through the Sloan Fellowship Program.

Mark Weber Colleagues :
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Rodney O'Neal

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John Arle

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Robert Brust

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John Opie

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Ronald Pirtle

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