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Profile of Mark Davis

Mark Davis

Founder - We Sell Now Inc.
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Company Name : We Sell Now Inc.
Company Website : www.wesellnow.com
Company Address : 240 Vista Pk. Dr.
, Robinson Twp, PA,
United States,
Mark Davis Profile :
Founder - We Sell Now Inc.
Mark Davis Biography :

Mark has more than 20 years of leadership experience in a variety of professional positions and entrepreneurial ventures. He began his career with the ownership of multiple retail furniture stores. Subsequently, Mark purchased a franchise with a national organization in which he employed as many as forty employees among his two locations. During this time with UCC, he headed the development team that produced the national organization's proprietary software and hardware systems. Following UCC he established himself as a successful Business Management consultant with an international firm. Here he gained valuable knowledge spanning a broad spectrum of industries. In 1998, he made a two year commitment to serve as general manager of a high volume motorcycle and sport recreational vehicle company. At the end of his term, his attention was directed to the emerging internet auction sites, which included eBay. In 2000, Mark starting selling part-time on eBay. After six months of part-time selling, Mark decided to begin selling full-time on eBay, and he has done so for nearly five years. As an eBay Powerseller, and prior to WeSellNow, he conducted over 16,000 successful auctions on eBay, generating nearly half a million dollars in gross sales. Mark is 42 years old, has four children, and is married to Linda, a professor at a local university.

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