Mark Brenner co-founded The OCJ Group with the vision of helping companies simplify the way they found today�s sought-after technically skilled personnel, regardless of size, industry or location. With more than 30 years of experience in a variety of leadership roles for such giants as Adecco, formally Adia Technical Services, Kirk-Mayer, Inc., Butler Service Group and Volt Technical Services, Mr. Brenner understands the challenges of today�s technical staffing market and realizes the value in developing solutions that provide companies with a just-in-time workforce, available when and where they need.
At Adecco Mr. Brenner was Vice President, Technical Services where he was responsible for building the division, which resulted in more than $70 million in sales in year one alone. Prior to Adecco, Mr. Brenner was responsible for overall management of Kirk-Mayer, a $150 million dollar company with more than 38 branches. Mr. Brenner also worked for Butler Service Group and Volt Technical Services where he had overall management, marketing sales and recruiting & profit/loss responsibilities.
Mr. Brenner earned a BA in Political Science from California State University.