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Profile of Mark Byers

Mark Byers

CEO - Sage Health Management Solutions Inc.
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Company Name : Sage Health Management Solutions Inc.
Company Website : www.sagehms.com
Company Address : 5001 American Blvd. W
Ste. 765, Minneapolis, MN,
United States,
Mark Byers Profile :
CEO - Sage Health Management Solutions Inc.
Mark Byers Biography :

An entrepreneur and expert in supporting, developing and managing information systems, Mr. Byers leads the DSS, Inc. and Sage HMS management teams. Mr. Byers founded DSS, Inc. in 1994 and since that time it has provided integrated clinical and administrative applications for VistA, the award winning health care information system used by the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). Under his leadership, today DSS, Inc. employs more than 100 employees and currently there are over 1,000 VHA facilities that use DSS clinical and administrative applications. In 2007, DSS, Inc. acquired Sage Health Management Solutions, Inc. as a wholly-owned subsidiary. In addition, DSS, Inc. operates a subsidiary in Mexico, DSS-Mexico, focused on converting the VistA software into Spanish and marketing the electronic medical record system to the Mexican government. In 2007 DSS, Inc. also introduced vxVistA, a commercial version of VistA using DSS, Inc. electronic medical record technology for the domestic hospital market. Mr. Byers has more than 30 years of diverse information technology and management experience in a variety of industries including health care, insurance, aerospace and defense, manufacturing and consumer products. He has 17 years experience as a computer programmer, business analyst, project manager and consultant and has been involved in the development of electronic medical record software for over 11 years. Mr. Byers is a founding and current board member of Vista Software Alliance. He has a B.A. in Economics from the University of Missouri and an A.S. in Data Processing from St. Louis Community College.

Mark Byers Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Katherine Gray

Pres., Founder Please login

Paul Hamann

Medical Dir. Please login

Angie Lillehei

Chief Nursing Officer Please login

Heidi Thompson

Controller Please login

Ronald Byers

Chmn. Please login

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