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Profile of Mark Heffron

Mark Heffron

Sr. Exec. - Noel-Levitz Inc.
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Company Name : Noel-Levitz Inc.
Company Website : www.noellevitz.com
Company Address : 2350 Oakdale Blvd.
, Coralville, IA,
United States,
Mark Heffron Profile :
Sr. Exec. - Noel-Levitz Inc.
Mark Heffron Biography :

Mark Heffron has been at the forefront of national financial aid policy and administration for more than 35 years. His areas of expertise include strategic enrollment planning, discount rate management, simulation modeling, and assessing the pricing, admissions, and financial aid policies of institutions and systems of institutions.

Known for getting extraordinary results in net revenue and enrollment, Mr. Heffron's clients have included colleges and universities such as the Loyola University of Chicago (IL),The University of Denver (CO), Eastern College (PA), and The Ohio State University.

Mr. Heffron is also the author of numerous articles on student need analysis, including simulation modeling analyses showing the impact of federal legislation.

Previous experience

A senior executive with American College Testing Program (ACT) for 17 years, Mr. Heffron helped shape student need analysis, testifying at state and federal levels on financial aid impact and managing a large national service operation. Prior to his tenure at ACT, he served the University of Colorado-Boulder for 10 years as a budget analyst and director of financial aid. Awards, memberships, and education Mr. Heffron has received the Meritorious Achievement Award from the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA), where he served on the board of directors. A long-time NASFAA member, he has also served as president of both the Colorado and Rocky Mountain associations for financial aid professionals. Mr. Heffron is a graduate of the University of Colorado-Boulder.

Mark Heffron Colleagues :
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