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Profile of Mark Kneedy

Mark Kneedy

Partner - Chicago - Chapman & Cutler
Mark Kneedy Email :
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Company Name : Chapman & Cutler
Company Website : www.chapman.com
Company Address : 111 W Monroe St.
, Chicago, IL,
United States,
Mark Kneedy Profile :
Partner - Chicago - Chapman & Cutler
Mark Kneedy Biography :

Mark Kneedy is a partner in the Corporate and Securities Department and has been with Chapman and Cutler LLP since 1972. Mr. Kneedy has extensive experience in the representation of various issuers of securities pursuant to the Investment Company Act of 1940 including mutual funds, unit investment trusts and closed-end funds and in the representation of investment advisors, sponsors, underwriters and independent directors. He also has experience in representing other entities in publicly and privately offered equity and debt securities including bank holding companies and hedge fund issuers. Selected recent transactions include: Counsel to the issuers of approximately 450 separate unit investment trusts aggregating $7,900,000,000 in calendar year 2006 and 285 separate trusts aggregating $6,500,000,000 in 2005 Supervised the registration of approximately 970 individual post effective amendments for outstanding unit trust series during 2006 Counsel to an investment advisor in connection with the sale of a mutual fund complex Counsel to a bank holding company in connection with multiple acquisitions of banks and bank holding companies Counsel to an Irish mutual fund comprised of U.S. equity securities, shares of which are being offered to European investors with particular emphasis in Italy.

Mark Kneedy Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Ann Acker

Partner - Chicago Please login

Lisa Anagnostopoulos

Partner - Chicago Please login

Ali Anekwe

Assoc. - Chicago Please login

David Audley

Partner - Chicago Please login

Eduardo Aviles

Assoc. - Chicago Please login

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