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Profile of Mark Nakamura

Mark Nakamura

Strategic Operating Partner - Aerospace, Logistics - FocalPoint Partners LLC
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Company Name : FocalPoint Partners LLC
Company Website : www.focalpointllc.com
Company Address : 11766 Wilshire Blvd.
Ste. 1270, Los Angeles, CA,
United States,
Mark Nakamura Profile :
Strategic Operating Partner - Aerospace, Logistics - FocalPoint Partners LLC
Mark Nakamura Biography :

Mark Nakamura has held senior executive level positions (CEO, President, COO, CFO) at numerous operating companies in a wide variety of industries, including aerospace, logistics and software. He has been involved in the various life stages of companies and gained experience in designing and executing strategies for M&A, shareholder transition, operational improvement, raising capital, and accounting system design/overhaul.

Mr. Nakamura began his career in the tax, accounting and management consulting divisions of Ernst & Young. After 12 years at Ernst & Young, he joined J.C. Carter, an aerospace parts manufacturer, as Chief Financial Officer. At J.C. Carter, Mr. Nakamura was responsible for operations, information systems and finance and accounting functions. He successfully grew the business from $4 million of EBITDA to $11 million culminating in a sale of the company for $110 million.

Following the sale of J.C. Carter, Mr. Nakamura joined Dart Entities as Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer and was tasked with the goal of turning around the unprofitable operations at its logistic subsidiaries. Following a successful turnaround at Dart Entities, he went on to similar roles with Harpure Enterprises and Cheetah Software System. More recently, he was recruited as President and Chief Executive Officer of LA Metal Processors, a steel processor that was cash flow negative and nearly insolvent. Mr. Nakamura developed an operating strategy that involved changing production processes to reduce costs, implemented new procedures and controls and restructured the debt to avoid bankruptcy. Following a successful outcome, he continues to serve on the Board of LA Metal Processors.

Mr. Nakamura earned a B.S. in Biological Sciences from the University of California, Irvine, and an M.B.A. in Accounting/Finance and an M.B.T. in Business Taxation from the University of Southern California.

Mark Nakamura Colleagues :
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