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Profile of Mark Sheffert

Mark Sheffert

Chmn., CEO - Manchester Companies Inc.
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Company Name : Manchester Companies Inc.
Company Website : www.manchestercompanies.com
Company Address : 4700 IDS Ctr.
80 S Eighth St., Minneapolis, MN,
United States,
Mark Sheffert Profile :
Chmn., CEO - Manchester Companies Inc.
Mark Sheffert Biography :

Mr. Sheffert is a nationally recognized business advisor in financial, strategic, and leadership issues facing companies undergoing rapid change, growth, or crisis. Acclaimed for his leadership and advisory talents, he has been retained by hundreds of companies in a wide variety of industries to renew, sustain, and improve their value. As the founder of Manchester Companies, Inc. with over 30 years business experience, Mr. Sheffert utilizes his expertise and vision to manage Manchester�s world-class financial and advisory services. Mr. Sheffert�s turnaround expertise has been recognized by the Turnaround Management Association. In 2006, the organization awarded him with the Upper Midwest Turnaround of the Year Award for his work with AGA Medical Corporation, and in 1999, he was the recipient the National Turnaround of the Year Award for his work with Medical Graphics Corporation of St. Paul, Minnesota. He was also recognized for his exceptional service on public company boards of directors by being named one of Minnesota�s five Outstanding Directors of the Year by the National Association of Corporate Directors and Twin Cities Business that same year. In addition, Mr. Sheffert writes a monthly column about management issues for Twin Cities Business, a regional publication that has consistently won national excellence awards. His articles also appear regularly in the Tri-State Business Times in Des Moines, Iowa. Mr. Sheffert is a no-nonsense, hands-on, results-oriented manager while serving as advisor to public, private, and non-profit groups. He also serves as a member of boards of directors for NYSE and NASDAQ public companies and is a public speaker on a wide variety of topics. Mr. Sheffert�s areas of expertise include: Board governance Strategic planning Turnaround planning Financial advisory Organizational effectiveness Merger, acquisition, & sell-side advisory Prior founding Manchester Companies, Mr. Sheffert was president of First Bank System (now US Bancorp), a $28 billion bank holding company, and was vice chairman of First Bank, N.A., its largest bank subsidiary, and was chairman of First Trust. Before that, he was president and COO of a Midwestern insurance company. Education BS, Business, School of Business, University of Minnesota Master�s Degree in Management (MSM), Richard D. Irwin Graduate School of Management, Bryn Mawr, PA Minnesota Executive Program (MEP), Carlson School of Business, University of Minnesota Professional Designations / Organizations National Association of Corporate Directors Association for Corporate Growth Turnaround Management Association American Bankruptcy Institute International Federation of Insolvency Professionals Ventures Plus - University of Minnesota Graduate School (Chairman) Recent Articles Mr. Sheffert writes a monthly column titled "Corner Office" for Twin Cities Business. Follow this link to read his articles: Manchester - News & Views Recent Speaking Engagements Key Note Speaker, "Harvest Profits by Planting Corporate Values," Minnesota CPA Management and Business Advisors Annual Conference, May 9, 2005 Panelist, "Board Leadership of a Company in Crisis", Minnesota National Association of Corporate Directors / Turnaround Management Association, January 17, 2006, Minneapolis Panelist, "Building a Power Board: How to Find and Compensate Outside Board Members Who Can Help Drive a Company's Performance to the Next Level," Midwest Regional Association of Small Business Investment Companies, Mid-Winter Private Equity Conference, Feb. 23, 2006, Chicago Key Note Speaker, The High Cost of Low Ethics, Graduation ceremony of the Master of Science in Leadership Degree Program, The American College, Bryn Mawr, PA, June 7, 2006 Featured Speaker,Ethics: How Great Thou Aren�t, Rocky Mountain Chapter, Society of Corporate Secretaries and Governance Professionals, Omaha, NE, June 15, 2006 Practice Areas Investment Banking Corporate Renewal Management Advisory

Mark Sheffert Colleagues :
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Pat Marso

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Kevin Jansen

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Sara Braziller

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Michael Howe

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Thomas Rootness

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