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Profile of Mark Weinreb

Mark Weinreb

Board Dir., Pres. - NeoStem Inc.
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Company Name : NeoStem Inc.
Company Website : www.neostem.com
Company Address : 420 Lexington Ave.
Ste. 450, New York, NY,
United States,
Mark Weinreb Profile :
Board Dir., Pres. - NeoStem Inc.
Mark Weinreb Biography :

Mr. Weinreb, an experienced chief executive officer and public company manager, oversees the Company's business and strategic initiatives. Mr. Weinreb joined the Company on February 6, 2003 as a Director, Chief Executive Officer and President, and in June 2006 continues as a Director and the Company's President. In 1976, Mr. Weinreb joined Bio Health Laboratories, Inc., a state-of-the-art medical diagnostic laboratory providing clinical testing services for physicians, hospitals, and other medical laboratories. He progressed to become the laboratory administrator in 1978 and then an owner and the laboratory's Chief Operating Officer in 1982. Here he oversaw all technical and business facets, including finance, laboratory science technology and all the additional support departments. He left Bio Health Labs in 1989 when he sold the business to a biotechnology company listed on the New York Stock Exchange. In 1992, Mr. Weinreb founded Big City Bagels, Inc., a national chain of franchised upscale bagel bakeries and became Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of such entity. The company went public in 1995 and in 1999 he redirected the company and completed a merger with an Internet service provider. In 2000, Mr. Weinreb became the Chief Executive Officer of Gesturetek, Inc., a 12-year old software development company pioneering gesture recognition and control using advanced inter-active proprietary video technology. In 2002, he left Gesturetek after arranging additional financing.

Mr. Weinreb received a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1975 from Northwestern University and a Master of Science degree in 1982 in Medical Biology, from C.W. Post, Long Island University.

Mark Weinreb Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Robin Smith

Chmn., CEO Please login

Larry May

CFO Please login

Wayne Marasco

Chmn. - Member - Scientific Advisory Board Please login

Denis Rodgerson

Board Dir. - Stem Cell Science Please login

George Smith

Medical Dir. - Laboratory Operations - California Please login

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