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Profile of Martin Jischke

Martin Jischke

Board Dir. - Duke Realty Corp.
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Company Name : Duke Realty Corp.
Company Website : www.dukerealty.com
Company Address : 600 E 96th St.
Ste. 100, Indianapolis, IN,
United States,
Martin Jischke Profile :
Board Dir. - Duke Realty Corp.
Martin Jischke Biography :

Dr. Martin C. Jischke is an advisory member of Duke Realty Corporation�s Board of Directors. He became Purdue's 10th president in August 2000. Dr. Jischke served as chancellor of the University of Missouri-Rolla from 1986 to 1991, and as president of Iowa State University from 1991 to 2000.

In 1963 he earned his bachelor's degree in physics with honors from the Illinois Institute of Technology. After receiving his doctoral degree in aeronautics and astronautics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1968, Dr. Jischke joined the faculty of the University of Oklahoma, where he served in multiple capacities, including director of the School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering; dean of the College of Engineering; and interim president. During 1975-76, he served as a White House fellow and special assistant to the U.S. secretary of transportation.

He was the founding president of the Global Consortium of Higher Education and Research for Agriculture. He served as chairman and board member of the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges and as a board member of the American Council on Education, National Merit Scholarship Corporation, and Kellogg Commission on the Future of State and Land-Grant Universities. He is on the boards of directors of the Association of American Universities and the American Council on Competitiveness.

Trained as a fluid dynamicist, Dr. Jischke is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He is a recipient of the Centennial Medallion of the American Society for Engineering Education. The Illinois Institute of Technology and the National Agricultural University of Ukraine have awarded him honorary doctoral degrees. He also has received the Illinois Institute of Technology Professional Achievement Award and the Ukraine Medal of Merit from that nation's president for outstanding service by a foreign national.

Martin Jischke Colleagues :
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Dennis Oklak

Chmn., CEO Please login

Robert Chapman

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Howard Feinsand

Exec. VP, General Counsel, Corp. Sec. Please login

Andrew Kelton

Exec. VP, East Region Please login

Donald Hunter

Exec. VP - Mid - East Region Please login

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