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Profile of Martin Singer

Martin Singer

Chmn., CEO - Pctel Inc.
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Company Name : Pctel Inc.
Company Website : www.pctel.com
Company Address : 471 Brighton Dr.
, Bloomingdale, IL,
United States,
Martin Singer Profile :
Chmn., CEO - Pctel Inc.
Martin Singer Biography :

Marty is the Chairman and CEO of PCTEL, a position that he has held since October, 2001. He has been a member of the PCTEL Board of Directors since August, 1999 just prior to the company's IPO. Since 2001, Marty has changed the company's direction from that of a commodity, soft-modem supplier, to a leader in broadband wireless technologies. During this transition, Marty acquired five operations, divested the modem business, and generated significant revenue through the licensing of intellectual property.

Prior to joining PCTEL, Marty began his career in telecommunications at Bell Laboratories in 1980 and then moving onto product management positions at AT&T and Tellabs. From 1990 through 1997 he led the Wireless Local Loop division within Motorola's Cellular Infrastructure Group and was responsible for licensing Motorola's valuable GSM patents worldwide. He took over SAFCO Technologies, a wireless test and measurement company, at the end of 1997 and sold the company to Agilent after more than doubling its revenue.

Marty earned his B.A. at the University of Michigan and his Masters and Ph.D at Vanderbilt University. He serves as Chairman of the AeA's Midwest Council and is on the AeA's National Executive Committee. Marty also serves on the Standing Advisory Group for the PCAOB, the organization established by Congress to provide oversight to the implementation of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Marty writes and lobbies on issues related to U.S. competitiveness, corporate governance, and telecommunications, and holds seven patents. Marty is married and has three sons.

Martin Singer Colleagues :
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Varda Goldman

VP, General Counsel Please login

Richard Alberding

Board Dir. Please login

Brian Jackman

Board Dir. Please login

John Sheehan

Board Dir. Please login

Carl Thomsen

Board Dir. Please login

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