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Profile of Martin Jones

Martin Jones

Of Counsel - New York - Pryor Cashman Sherman & Flynn LLP
Martin Jones Email :
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Company Name : Pryor Cashman Sherman & Flynn LLP
Company Website : www.pryorcashman.com
Company Address : 410 Pk. Ave.
, New York, NY,
United States,
Martin Jones Profile :
Of Counsel - New York - Pryor Cashman Sherman & Flynn LLP
Martin Jones Biography :

Martin Jones is Of Counsel in Pryor Cashman's Tax Group. His experience includes structuring corporate and partnership transactions, and researching the tax consequences thereof, including mergers, acquisitions, liquidations, limited liability company formations, bankruptcy restructurings. Martin's representative transactions include:

Acquisition of all outstanding stock in several coal mining companies

Acquisition of New York City development site for the construction of a condominium building

Bankruptcy reorganization of company and creation of trusts to discharge asbestos-related liabilities

Cross-border financing of production costs for a motion picture filmed outside the United States

Formation of venture capital fund specializing in the healthcare industry

Joint venture for the development of a resort in the Caribbean

Managed residency audit of New York State personal income taxpayer

Obtained a settlement of a New York State sales tax case for approximately 20 percent of the original assessment

Operating agreement for company formed to operate furniture stores

Structuring tenant in common (TIC) arrangements to facilitate deferred like-kind exchanges of real estate

Previous Positions

DLA Piper LLP, Associate (2000-02)

Kaye Scholer LLP, Associate (1998-2000)

Professional Affiliations

New York State Bar Association

Martin Jones Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Perry Amsellem

Partner - New York Please login

Anne Atkinson

Of Counsel - New York Please login

David Auerbach

Partner - New York Please login

Samson Bechhofer

Partner - New York Please login

Joshua Bernstein

Assoc. Attorney - New York Please login

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