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Profile of Mary Good

Mary Good

Board Dir. - Acxiom Corp.
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Company Name : Acxiom Corp.
Company Website : www.acxiom.com
Company Address : 1 Information Way
Ste. 200, Little Rock, AR,
United States,
Mary Good Profile :
Board Dir. - Acxiom Corp.
Mary Good Biography :

Dr. Good is the dean of the College of Information Science and Systems Engineering at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock and is the Donaghey university professor. She is also a managing member for Fund for Arkansas, LLC, and is a board member of BiogenIdec, Inc., a publicly held company; Research Solutions, LLC; and Delta Trust and Bank. Previously, Dr. Good served for four years as the undersecretary for technology for the technology administration in the Department of Commerce in President Clinton�s administration, while simultaneously chairing the National Science and Technology Council�s Committee on Technological Innovation (NSTC/CTI) and serving on the National Science and Technology Council�s Committee on National Security. From 1988-1993, Dr. Good served as the senior vice president of technology at Allied Signal, Inc., where she was responsible for technology transfer, corporate research and commercialization support for new technologies. During the eight years prior to that time, she held the positions of president of Allied Signal�s Engineered Material Research Center, president of Signal Research Center, Inc. and director of research for UOP, Inc. From 1954-1980, Dr. Good was a professor at both the University of New Orleans and at Louisiana State University, where she achieved that university�s highest professional rank, Boyd professor. She was appointed to the National Science Board by President Carter in 1980 and again by President Reagan in 1986. She served as chairman of that board until she was appointed in 1991 by President Bush to become a member of the President�s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST). Dr. Good is an elected member of the National Academy of Engineering, a past president of the American Chemical Society, and past president and a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Dr. Good holds a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry from the University of Central Arkansas, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in inorganic chemistry from the University of Arkansas. She has received numerous awards and honorary degrees from many colleges and universities, including most recently the College of William and Mary, Polytechnic University of New York, Louisiana State University and Michigan State University.

Mary Good Colleagues :
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Ann Hasselmo

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Michael Lloyd

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Cindy Childers

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