Matteo del Fante was appointed to our Supervisory Board at our 2005 annual shareholders meeting. Mr. del Fante is also a non-voting observer on its Audit Committee. Mr. del Fante has served as the Chief Financial Officer of CDP in Rome since the end of 2003. Prior to joining CDP, Mr. del Fante held several positions at JPMorgan Chase in London, England, where he became Managing Director in 1999. During his 13 years with JPMorgan Chase, Mr. del Fante worked with large European clients on strategic and financial operations. Mr. del Fante obtained his degree in Economics and Finance from Universit`a Bocconi in Milan in 1992, and followed graduate specialization courses at New York University�s Stern Business School. Mr. del Fante is the Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board of ST Holding, our largest shareholder. |