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Profile of Matthew Grimmer

Matthew Grimmer

Shareholder - Durham Jones & Pinegar
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Company Name : Durham Jones & Pinegar
Company Website : www.djplaw.com
Company Address : 111 E Broadway
Ste. 900, Salt Lake City, UT,
United States,
Matthew Grimmer Profile :
Shareholder - Durham Jones & Pinegar
Matthew Grimmer Biography :

Mr. Grimmer is a trial attorney with trial, appellate, arbitration and mediation experience. He has represented local and national companies, as well as individuals, in complex commercial litigation including securities and class action litigation, antitrust, business torts including: breach of contract, unfair competition, tortious interference with actual and prospective contracts and business relationships, fraud and breach of fiduciary duty; intellectual property disputes such: as trademark, trade name, trade secret, and coypright; real property disputes; trusts and estate litigation; tax litigation; and, general personal injury and insurance related matters.

Before joining the firm, he served as law clerk to Judge David Hittner of the United States District Court (Southern District of Texas) and worked with the nationally renowned Houston litigation boutique - Susman Godfrey.


Representation of collapsed energy trading company (Enron) in multi-billion dollar bankruptcy litigation involving: breach of fiduciary duty by officers of corporation; claims against third-parties for aiding and abetting a breach of fiduciary duty; conspiracy; and equitable subrogation of creditor's claims.

Representation of New York City brokerage firm and investment bank in defense of investor claims of fraud by manipulative and deceptive investment recommendations.

Representation of brokerage firm in successful claim against trader for breach of fiduciary duty, misappropriation of funds and embezzlement.

Joint representation of Fortune 100 energy trading company in class action suit representing holders of both publicly traded equity and debt securities including claims of misrepresentation, fraud, violations of federal securities laws, insider trading, and officer and director breach of fiduciary duty.

Representation of Fortune 500 tire manufacturer in breach of contract matter with State of Texas involving tax abatements predicated on completion and operation of Texas manufacturing plant.

Representation of publicly traded real estate investment and education company in successful settlement of trade secret misappropriation case against former independent contractor including the release of contractual restrictions between contractor and several employees of the client.

Representation of investment bank in multi-million dollar breach of contract litigation against owner/operator of power-plant in China including eventual settlement that provided up-to-date payments under the contract and negotiated interest to cover period of dispute and future dividend payments.

Representation of senior executive officer of publicly traded healthcare corporation in defense of derivative action claiming knowledge or bad faith disregard, devised schemes, and improper corporate governance resulting in defrauding of government medical system.

Joint representation of brokerage company in successful defense of claims of advertising practices in violation of recent FCC anti-spam regulations.

Representation of regional construction company in successful defense of construction defect claims leading to mold contamination arising from foundation damage to structure. Personally drafted, argued and obtained motion for summary judgment.

Representation of publicly traded proprietary school before the Texas Workforce Commission and successfully avoided a termination of company's Texas operations by negotiating a unique multi-million dollar collateral security arrangement to satisfy the "intent" of the protections offered under the proprietary school laws thereby allowing the TWCC to authorize an alternative solution.

Representation of largest U.S. commercial property owner in landlord-tenant disputes resulting in lease payment work-outs, seizure and sale of assets or injunctions against delinquent tenants.

Advised Alabama counsel on settlement of $700 million ground water contamination class action matter and assisted in settlement of matter into a qualified settlement fund.

Representation of individual in probate proceedings to determine estate representation and facilitate wrongful death products liability matter regarding defective football equipment against equipment manufacturer.

Representation of construction company in multi-million dollar tax dispute with IRS regarding valuation and appraisal of charitable contribution of Russian spacecraft resulting in negotiated settlement.

Representation of trustee of family dynasty trust in defense of trustees actions in response to claims by beneficiaries of trustees violation of fiduciary obligations.

Representation of insurance company and public utility in wrongful death matter from automobile accident resulting in settlement of all claims.

Representation of insurance company in successful settlement of personal injury claims, covered under the defendant's homeowner's insurance, resulting from stabbing wounds to the injured minor-contemporaneous with the murder of the minor's family members.

Representation of trade school in copyright infringement and tortuous interference claims against former employee turned competitor resulting in injunction against former employee

Matthew Grimmer Colleagues :
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